Tock Tock, Tock Tick


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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don't forget the clocks GO BACK tonight, extra hr in bed for some. :)
A timely reminder Mucks...:) it seems like only last month that we were altering them for Spring - or is that just me?
Don't have to think about it at all now with all these radio controlled clocks. :D



Hopefully it will be the last time we have to change clocks, thats if them up in Scotland agree to the change to CET (Central European Time)

Worst time of the year :(

Wish I could hibernate.

Winter Wonderland my bottom :mad:
I wish they would make their minds up about this changing the clocks over. Is it just because of the Scots? If so how is it that a nation of around 6 million people dictate to the rest of the nation,of over 60 million, when to change the clocks. If they are they are so obsessed with going it alone then let them change their clocks to any time they like. If we have to cross the border it`s no hardship to put ones wristwatch back or forward one hour.
No it not just you TC I know the feeling :( As children the days were long and in summer the days were long, sunny and hot. As we grew into adults there was never enough time to get everything done, gone were the long holidays we had at school. Then came the children we did all we could for them often sacrificed the things we wanted for them (so not a sacrifice really as we wanted the best for the and we loved them dearly). Now as we are older the children have left home and families of their own, we blink and tomorrow has turned to yesterday. As I sit at this PC I wonder where the time has gone, what wonderful times I have had, but where has the time gone.:confused:
Tis true as one ages time seems to fly by quicker yet when we are young the school summer holidays seemed to take five years to pass by.

Somebody, somewhere, got it all the wrong way round methinks....

It was dark by 17:00 hours today :(
It's all relative.

When you are 8 a year is an eighth of your life, a huge proportion.

But if you get to 60 then a year is only a sixtieth of your life, a small proportion, so it appears to pass more quickly.

Well, that's supposedly one explanation for it. :D