most of the tires look pretty average to poor by todays graphics stantards,
and the car models look good, but not a huge improvement over the current
TOCA version, and hardly next gen console level. However, I am looking
forward to this title, but with some caution, given the terrible support in
patching up the physics of certain car models in the current version of
TOCA. Even though they used a pretty decent overall physics modelling engine
in the current version, many of the cars were almost undrivable let alone
raceable. It seemed as if they rushed the game to market, rather than
tweaking the last few aspects of the game that could have made it an
excellent product. I bought the game before getting any user review feedback
from this newsgroup or other sim forum, but I will not make that mistake
They simply did not seem to want to invest any money or time in properly
patching that game, which I resent , given that I spent my hard earned $40.