To the owner of this site

Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hello ian

How come i get this on contact section

Sorry! That user has specified that they do not wish to receive emails. If you still wish to send an email to this user, please contact the (e-mail address removed) and they may be able to help.

Even your name and alot more

Quite self-explanatory really.

All of us have the option in our Control Panel to receive or decline e-mails from other members.

Some choose not to receive e-mails and that's what's happened to you when you attempted to send one.

It's the same with Private Messages as well, we all have a choice whether to receive them or not.
Wasn't emails disabled after someone used it to spam members?
Yep, both are correct - Members can disable e-mail contact features, but it has also been disabled globally as people were using it for spam. PM's are the best way to contact people on-site :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Yep, both are correct - Members can disable e-mail contact features, but it has also been disabled globally as people were using it for spam. PM's are the best way to contact people on-site :)

hi what kind of spamming was people getting?

how does all this work then? would someone sit there and manually take down all these addresses then?
psd99 said:
hi what kind of spamming was people getting?

how does all this work then? would someone sit there and manually take down all these addresses then?
LoL ... you obviously don't receive much "spam" in your mailbox.

Computer programs, even legit ones, can harvest information ... how do you think Google works. ;)

We call them "spiders" for obvious reasons. An email spider that visits a website forum with one purpose in mind: collect as many email addresses as possible so the owner can spam you with email later.

Ian Cunningham said:
Yep, both are correct - Members can disable e-mail contact features, but it has also been disabled globally as people were using it for spam. PM's are the best way to contact people on-site :)

thanks for that ian.
muckshifter said:
LoL ... you obviously don't receive much "spam" in your mailbox.

Computer programs, even legit ones, can harvest information ... how do you think Google works. ;)

We call them "spiders" for obvious reasons. An email spider that visits a website forum with one purpose in mind: collect as many email addresses as possible so the owner can spam you with email later.



Where do you want me to start?

look at these:

"Hollis " <[email protected]> Add to Address Book Subject: Pharmacy & Natural weight loss worldwide 00911 Date: Tue, 19 Jan 38 03:14:07 GMT H-e-l-l-o!

We are presenting you international p-h-a-r-m-a-c-y network called
¡°-LegalRxMedications- d-r-u-g s-t-o-r-e¡±.

We have tested *medications* they sell and we can certify that they do
have "quality m-e-d-i-c-a-t-i-o-n-s", excellent prices and they SHIP

You'll be surprised with their "low prices" and 's/h/i/p/p/i/n/g

View here:


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what date it it today?

i am sick of emails like this