to share dsl internet connection, what best...use a router or ICS?

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We have a LAN with 20 client PC (WinME) for online games thru Win2k
Pro with ICS (DSL and PPPoE).

We are experiencing lags during gameplay especially when half of the
client PC are all running the same online game.

A friend suggested to use a router to share the dsl internet
connection, it would improve things up.

Is using a router better than Win2k Pro ICS? What are the advantages
as well as the disadvantages of using a router.

Thanks for advice.
There are many advantages to using a hardware router. Such devices
generally provide extra features such as firewall, VPN, port mapping, etc.
Hardware routers frequently give better VPN performance; however, I would be
skeptical about claims of superior NAT performance.

Doug Sherman
One other advantage to a hardware router/firewall is that the host PC
doesn't have to be up and running - and when others connect, they won't
cause that PC to suffer performance lag. I don't like ICS, see no point in
turning a Windows box into a router, and I think the low cost of a hardware
firewall/router is very much worth it.
How good is the firewall feature of the router...some say they're not
that good compared to software versions...

With my setup, with machines networked primarily for particularly for
online gaming, what features do i look for a router?
What you mean by

"...and when others connect, they won't cause that PC to suffer
performance lag."

Is it safe to assume that connected PCs have no or less performance
lag when a router is used?
What you mean by

"...and when others connect, they won't cause that PC to suffer
performance lag."

Is it safe to assume that connected PCs have no or less performance
lag when a router is used?