I gave you your requested info. Where's my meal?
TNZ has a couple of days to think it over.
TNZ has a couple of days to think it over.
UCLAN said:I gave you your requested info. Where's my meal?
TNZ has a couple of days to think it over.
~misfit~ said:I'm sure I was the last to post in the thread?
Anyway, after your anecdote about the <forgets name of American 'sport'>
thing I wasn't sure it'd be productive to further discuss certain aspects of
the AC, specifically the appeal. Especially as I've found out quite a bit
more about that.
Race 6 was a nail-biter. Came down to whoever picked the right side, either
by "reading" the weather (pretty had to do accurately in those conditions)
or by luck.
IMO there's nothing really to think over. It's just go out there and race.
UCLAN said:You asked me questions about the protest (not an appeal) and promised
a dinner if the protest talked about the crewman's leg. I posted a
great deal directly from the protest that basically earned me that
dinner. It is stored at Google Groups if you wish to read it.
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
175 lines so get comfortable.
Consensus was that Dean Barker tacked before TNZ was back to full
speed on the second windward leg. He could even be heard saying
"Sorry, guys" to his crew. Alinghi took the lead, and held on to it
on the last leeward leg. Butterworth's decision not to match TNZ's
last jibe to port was also mentioned. He increased the lead to back
over 100 meters, where he had been losing about 25 meters per jibe.
I'm sure a lot of "shoulda" and "coulda" thoughts are going through
their heads. I'm sure that the TNZ brain trust would rather be out
racing rather than thinking of the misfortune for two days.
~misfit~ said:You're right, I was wrong, it was about the kick. And make no mistake, the
sail was kicked to make it release from the lock. Most people who say the
incident agree.
NZTV (based in Valencia) was showing a replay of it after
the jury decision and an AC representative instructed the director to cut
the replay just after Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyzen spread his arms. He actually
stopped the footage being re-shown.
As for your comment about one of the jury being a New Zealander, once again
you're being disingenuous.
Brad Butterworth is a New Zealander, does that
mean he would agree with a TNZ protest?
There's no doubt about it, there's
been a cover-up.
Oh, did you know what damaged the kite that blew out? TNZ had just had a new
coat of non-slip paint put on the foredeck and it was friction against that
which caused the initial hole.
It's a tough call to have to win three in a row. Oh well, either way, both
boats are skippered by a New Zealander so, in a way, we win whatever the
outcome. <g>
UCLAN said:"Most people" ? Or "most people" in New Zealand? Methinks you are
getting too much of a NZ slant on this incident. Outside of your
comments, I have seen no cries of a bad decision by The Jury, and
certainly no cries of a cover-up.
And this is according to whom? And confirmed by whom?
No, just realistic. You are claiming that your theory is valid based
upon the non-unanimous vote of The Jury. I am merely pointing out that
since The Jury contains a New Zealander, your claim is not necessarily
valid. Having both a Kiwi and a Swiss official on The Jury just about
guarantees all the protests will have non-unanimous votes.
Brad Butterworth was hired by the opposition. Same as Chris Dickson.
They both have different loyalties now. Graham McKenzie has no such
loyalty dilemmas.
Are you suggesting that Graham McKenzie voted against the protest?
And maybe Switzerland's Henry Peter voted in favor?
There's no doubt about it, there's
been a cover-up.
There's plenty of doubt about it outside New Zealand. NOT ONE news
organization outside of NZ has even mentioned the possibility of a
cover-up. And even inside NZ, the theory of cover up is far from
widespread. [NZ media is easily accessible via the Internet.]
The great AC cover-up, right along side the lunar landing cover-up,
the "grassy knoll" theorists, the 9/11 conspiracy wackos, and even
the "Amazing Race producers intervened" whiners. And about something
that had ZERO to do about the races themselves.
My feelings, too.
Considering the fragile nature of the sails (in the name of reducing
weight), one could cause havoc with a well placed pellet gun or even
a slingshot in the spectator fleet. Talk about your conspiracies!
The winning boat will have a US sailor at the helm. <g>
~misfit~ said:Most people interviewed by the TVNZ crew in Valencia. They say that, fair
enough, it wasn't upheld, but that there was certainly a case to answer.
Obviously there are certain things that they can't say,
Acording to the anchor in the TVNZ studio who was live on-air when it
The replay was cut off and the feed went back to the studio. I
have it on VHS, (I don't think I've taped over it..) if you like I can try
to put it on DVD, then rip it to Xvid and put it somewhere for you to watch?
Grrr! Just checked and I left the tape in after looking at it last night
before replying to you, I taped a BBC world programme overnight over it.
(Click) No, I'm not a liar, but say what you will. From your previous
comments I expect some derogatory comparison....
They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the way the judges
others. It's obvious that you think that it's inconcievable that Graham
McKenzie voted against the protest because of where he was born. That
there's no way he could have voted the other way.
Exactly! Unless I get this whole jury concept wrong. Is it supposed to be an
impartial international jury or a group of advocates? If the former then,
yes, the scenario you posit is quite feasible. If the latter then you're
probably right.
The NZ media aren't stupid. As the stopping of the replay coverage showed,
if you don't play the game with the AC officials you get cut off. They
didn't come right out and say that there was a cover-up, they just presented
a lot of evidence and allowed the viewer to make up his own mind. I'm not
talking about internet or print media here, I'm talking about the grew in
Valencia, the live TV broadcast.
In the post that I didn't see here, that I Googled, you said:
"The US television gets the same pool audio and video feeds as everyone
else. It would be a mess if each country fitted the yachts with their own
cameras and microphones. We hear (and see) the course change announcements,
as well as the acknowledgments. Our commentators vary from day to day, but
Peter Isler is there every day, Paul Cayard spent a day or two there, there
are two commentators in a boat following the action, and interviews with
crew members of various AC teams."
Obviously you don't realise then that you're wrong. Yes, we probably all get
the same feeds off the boats.
However, do you have a large chunk of the
commentary done by Peter (PJ) Montgomery and guest presenter (for the last
four races it's been Jimmy Spithill, previously it's been many folks,
including Torvin Graele (sp?) and Russel Coutts (sp?)) from on-board the
boat Northstar? Is your commentary team lead by John MacBeth? Do you see and
hear PJ putting in cellphone calls to Peter (Luigi) Reggio (the guy who sets
the course etc) and getting information from him? (They're obviously
friends, they call each other "PJ" and "Luigi").
The answer is no, I'll provide it for you in case this is one of the parts
of my message that you snip. We get a different feed from the rest of the
world. Some of the footage of the race is obviously the same but the
commentators are different and the sections where they cut to Northstar are,
I think, exclusive to NZ. I could be wrong about that last part. Have you
had Jimmy Spithill commentating?
They interviewed a whole bunch of folks, including the international
commentary team. Apparently a NZ guy on the international English-speaking
commentary team has been "warned" about his comments about the protest.
These guys obviously can't speak their minds and, as the replay being pulled
showed, can't broadcast what they want to either.
Once again you resort to subtle argumentum ad hominem. It does you no
Why do you insist on this innuendo? I'm not talking about a conspiracy. TNZ
had the bow section of the boat painted and anti-slip coated the night
before the spinnaker blew out. In their de-brief and investigation they
examined the blown sail and, from the scuffing of the sail and the position
of the initial hole their shore crew concluded that they new, rough
anti-slip coating combined with the speed that the sail was hoisted caused
the sail to be holed and subsequently blow out.
Conspiracy? What are you on? If your argument isn't good enough to stand on
it's own without incessant references to anecdotes about horses and JFK then
that says a lot in itself.
UCLAN said:~misfit~ wrote:
The anchor said that an AC rep came into the studio and prohibited
them from completing the replay? TVNZ has lousy security if they let
anyone into their studio.
Shucks. I thought I'd have a DVD of A) TVNZ's security allowing a non
employee into their control bay, and B) the same individual telling
TVNZ what they can and cannot show on their program.
~misfit~ said:No. The NZ anchor listened to his earpiece after the surprise cut-off and
said "Well, that's interesting" the local director who they were getting
their feed from had been told to not play it again just as he was halfway
through replaying the kicking incident.
Ha ha ha haa haaa!!!! Found my humour. Funny, normally I don't have to go
looking for it, it finds me if something is amusing.
CBFalconer said:This thread has been quite interesting (got no complaints) but
highly off-topic here. I trust it is going to come to an early end
now that the races are complete.
~misfit~ said:Yeah, highly off-topic. I did preface my first comment with an apology to
the group and never expected the discussion to go on this long. My main
reason for posting was I found it strange that someone would put "Beat the
Kiwis" in their sig (turned out with two different teams). I'm familiar with
supporting a team but it seems odd to me that someone would openly back
whoever was running against the Kiwis. That's not support, it's the
opposite. Odd behaviour unless one is holding a grudge for some reason.
That last race was a nail-biter though, it would have to be a classic, a
margin of between 1 and 2 seconds *after* TNZ completed a penalty turn. The
lead changed more often than I've ever seen in a LV/AC race.
UCLAN said:As explained *much* earlier, my reason was *not* a dislike of the
Kiwis, per se, but a hope that the competition would *not* return to
NZ in general, or the Hauraki Gulf in particular.
~misfit~ said:When
you're being challenged on the usage of a word over several posts you'd
think that you'd be *sure* of what you were saying rather than try to make
out it was "semantics" when you're proven wrong. Still, you can get the
measure of a man by how he reacts to proof of his fallability. Some admit
they're wrong, others try to wriggle out of it.)
(You brushed it off with "I should have used a different word....
Semantics". Umm, yeah, words and phrases have particular meanings,
especially simple ones like "most of". [BTW, it means 'more than half'
<shrug> I thought most 8 year-olds knew that.]
~misfit~ said:Hey CB,
Yeah, highly off-topic. I did preface my first comment with an apology to
the group and never expected the discussion to go on this long. My main
reason for posting was I found it strange that someone would put "Beat the
Kiwis" in their sig (turned out with two different teams). I'm familiar
with supporting a team but it seems odd to me that someone would openly
back whoever was running against the Kiwis. That's not support, it's the
opposite. Odd behaviour unless one is holding a grudge for some reason.
Anyway, yeah, I expect it's about done now. :-(
Jon said:I, for one, was not the least bit disturbed by this thread.)