Generally, CRT monitors can run at various resolutions based on the
capabilities of the monitor itself and the graphics card its attached to,
either via DVI or VGA connection.
But LCD monitors have a "native resolution" e.g. 1280x1024, and generally
run at one frequency: 60Hz. This might be fine for displaying your Windows
desktop, etc. But what happens when you run a game that "runs better" at
lower resolutions e.g. HL2 might be less juddery if you run it at 800x600,
or "a.n.other" game might run better at 1024x768. How do LCD monitors react
to lower display sizes when switching to games that have a lower resolution
set in the game options and so switches to it automatically? Does it matter?
I presume the CRT frequencies thing (e.g. 60Hz, 75Hz, 85Hz, etc) become
irrelevant on LCD monitors?
Maybe the answer is to upgrade the PC to allow ANY game to run at the native
resolution of the LCD monitor, but surely this cant be the real world answer
to the majority of LCD monitor users?
Lastly, only ever having used VGA connection on CRT monitors, what better on
capabilities of the monitor itself and the graphics card its attached to,
either via DVI or VGA connection.
But LCD monitors have a "native resolution" e.g. 1280x1024, and generally
run at one frequency: 60Hz. This might be fine for displaying your Windows
desktop, etc. But what happens when you run a game that "runs better" at
lower resolutions e.g. HL2 might be less juddery if you run it at 800x600,
or "a.n.other" game might run better at 1024x768. How do LCD monitors react
to lower display sizes when switching to games that have a lower resolution
set in the game options and so switches to it automatically? Does it matter?
I presume the CRT frequencies thing (e.g. 60Hz, 75Hz, 85Hz, etc) become
irrelevant on LCD monitors?
Maybe the answer is to upgrade the PC to allow ANY game to run at the native
resolution of the LCD monitor, but surely this cant be the real world answer
to the majority of LCD monitor users?
Lastly, only ever having used VGA connection on CRT monitors, what better on