well, maybe not. if those 5 years contained one leap year, August 7
would now be August 8, wouldn't it?
and if that 5 years encompassed 2 leap years, 5 years would make it
August 9th.
or am i just blowing steam?
Well, you're defining your own calendar.
A calendar year is generally defined as having 365 or, if a leap year, 366
It can also be defined as the length of time it takes a planet to orbit its
sun. In the case of the earth, that is approximately 365 days 6 hours 9
minutes 9.54 seconds. That's why we have leap years (and the occasional leap
second), in order to bring the calendar back in sync with the earth's rotation.
So how do you want to define your year?
If you want to define a year so that anniversaries, birthdays, and so forth
will be celebrated on the proper date, then:
5 years from Aug 7, 2005 would be Aug 7, 2010
And the excel formula would be:
On the other hand, if you want to define a year differently, you'll have to
clearly state your definition in order to derive a formula.