Hello again Duane, I have got your Concatenate program to
work here at home on a test database. Next week I will try
it on the real thing in work. Two questions to keep me
I see in your code where you have arranged for the Child
fields to be listed on one line separated by a comma and a
space (Optional pstrDelim As String = ", ") _). I have
joined four Child fields together, in a query, under one
name “Student” and I want each set of fields to be on a
line of its own and to start one Tab in from the left.
(tab) Fred Bloggs (tab) Science (tab) Yr1
(tab) John Smith (tab) History (tab) Yr3
To get everything to line up one above the other I think I
will also need to separate the first and second names by a
tab in the query. My join line in the Query is: Student:
[Students].[FirstName] & " " & [Surname] & " " & [Subject]
& " " & [YearGroup]. How do I introduce tab spacing in the
Query and introduce tabs and line feeds in your
Concatenate program?
Secondly, in trying out the program in a Mail Merge, all
works as expected but the Mail Merged document seems to
be treated as one whole entity when printing. I will need
to specify individual pages when printing but when I try
this, I get all pages printed, even though the Print
dialogue box lets me specify say page 1, or odd pages
only. This happens when I try either Merge To Print or
Merge to a Document and then print. What am I doing wrong?
This last point will be a real show stopper if I don’t get
it sorted. Most letters will be two pages and the first
will be on headed paper, so I need to print them as two
lots – odd pages on headed then even pages on plain.
Thanks for your help. Regards, Noel
work here at home on a test database. Next week I will try
it on the real thing in work. Two questions to keep me
I see in your code where you have arranged for the Child
fields to be listed on one line separated by a comma and a
space (Optional pstrDelim As String = ", ") _). I have
joined four Child fields together, in a query, under one
name “Student” and I want each set of fields to be on a
line of its own and to start one Tab in from the left.
(tab) Fred Bloggs (tab) Science (tab) Yr1
(tab) John Smith (tab) History (tab) Yr3
To get everything to line up one above the other I think I
will also need to separate the first and second names by a
tab in the query. My join line in the Query is: Student:
[Students].[FirstName] & " " & [Surname] & " " & [Subject]
& " " & [YearGroup]. How do I introduce tab spacing in the
Query and introduce tabs and line feeds in your
Concatenate program?
Secondly, in trying out the program in a Mail Merge, all
works as expected but the Mail Merged document seems to
be treated as one whole entity when printing. I will need
to specify individual pages when printing but when I try
this, I get all pages printed, even though the Print
dialogue box lets me specify say page 1, or odd pages
only. This happens when I try either Merge To Print or
Merge to a Document and then print. What am I doing wrong?
This last point will be a real show stopper if I don’t get
it sorted. Most letters will be two pages and the first
will be on headed paper, so I need to print them as two
lots – odd pages on headed then even pages on plain.
Thanks for your help. Regards, Noel