To display the pricelist of the product in front of the shop

  • Thread starter Thread starter pol
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Hi all,

Is it possible to demonstrate the pricelist of the product in Plasma TV . I
want to run a powerpint slides in plasma tv . Is it possible to convert the
slide which can be run in plasma tv . Please advice me

With thanks and regards

pol said:
Hi all,

Is it possible to demonstrate the pricelist of the product in Plasma TV .
want to run a powerpint slides in plasma tv . Is it possible to convert
slide which can be run in plasma tv . Please advice me

With thanks and regards


Google presenting with powerpoint to projector. You do it the same way you
would project to a lcd projector. Create the presentation and run the slide
show. Any further information would require a lot more information from you
such as the brand of the TV, connection method to the computer running the
presentation, the version of Office you have.