Oh my god...
More complicated, still!
I have 12 Crosstab queries to graphs, in SubF_Graph, with
data to months in the year.
JanQuery, ..., DecQuery as next:
TRANSFORM Sum([Table1].[Value]) AS SumOfValor
SELECT [Table1].[Date] AS Data
FROM Table1
WHERE ((([Table1].[Date]) Between (#1/1/2001#) And
(#1/31/2001#)) And (([Table1].[Param])="A" Or ([Table1].
GROUP BY [Table1].[Date]
PIVOT [Table1].[Param];
In MainForm I would like to be able to choose the Month,
though a List box; In SubF_Graph I would like to display a
graph, as a query chossed.
(I would like it...)
Thanks for your reply.