Looking into replacing my very old linux box. Putting together the parts
I noticed that I could flat out purchase a CyberpowerPC unit with
somewhat better specs (Faster processor and larger hard drive) for about
$100 less than the system I am building.
I have heard some mixed reviews of CyberpowerPC system. Leaning toward
the bad. Anyone have personal experience with them. This will end up as
a liux box not windows. With the CyberpowerPC I do get a copy of Vista
32bit not likely to use it but may leave it in as a dual boot in case of
I noticed that I could flat out purchase a CyberpowerPC unit with
somewhat better specs (Faster processor and larger hard drive) for about
$100 less than the system I am building.
I have heard some mixed reviews of CyberpowerPC system. Leaning toward
the bad. Anyone have personal experience with them. This will end up as
a liux box not windows. With the CyberpowerPC I do get a copy of Vista
32bit not likely to use it but may leave it in as a dual boot in case of