To automatize updates

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Hello, I inserted a graph in power point by Microsoft excel and the data
that are in excel come of a data base access.

I have a small problem: if I to increase some value in access in power
point does not bring up to date automatically. It only brings up to date if
to click two times in the graph and to order to bring up to date the data
with the message that appears for me. It would like to know if it has as I
to always leave this brought up to date graph way VBA that I to open the

ok, debtor for the URL. You know some way that I can write in VBA and that
I will not have more necessity to accept the option to bring up to date
given when appears?

Hey Shyam,

has some way of I to be able to make that one updatelink.ppa to function
with office 2003 or office XP? I tried to use with office 2003 and I did
not obtain.
Turn the macro security level to Medium and then load the add-in. It will
load and function normally.
Debtor for the Shyam tip, but did not function the automatic update. I
still need to click in the graph two times it to appear the message asking
if I want to bring up to date. :(

The tip on lowering the security of macrom functioned very well.
