.tmp files

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I am running out of disk space and on checking
C:\Documents and Settings\Gordon\local settings\Temp
I find I have 72gb of .tmp files in there. they are about 1.3gb each and
there are about 60 files. When I un-hid these files I got a warning saying
not to edit or alter these files as they might be used for Windows system and
it might make the system unusable.
As these are just .tmp files can I just delete them???
Anything in a 'temp' directory should be deleteable. I don't understand why
you'd have 72GB worth of temp files though.

Hello ggustar
The general consensus is 'Yes'.
If you are referring to the temp files that DiskCleanup ignores, that is.
I and others have been advised by those more knowledgeable than I to use
this method in WIN XP. It also works for me in WIN2000.
Start/Run/ - type in box %temp% - click OK.
What appears is a 'temp' folder. I assume that is the one to which you
Click on 'Edit' then 'Select All'.
You may get a box asking about hidden files.
I just click on OK.
All files will then be highlighted. Click on 'File' then click on 'Delete'
What often happens is that the delete will stop at files that cannot be
removed. These are ones dated and timed when you last switched on your
As this box keeps coming up and stopping the delete, I click on the oldest
dated file at the bottom of the list, hold down the 'shift key' then click
on the first file under the most recent dated and timed files. This will
highlight all the old temp files.
Right click , select delete, then Yes, and they should all go.
Don't forget to empty the recycle bin, though.
Some have reported having over 1000 files in this temp. I had nearly 500
without knowing it existed. I always assumed that Diskcleanup removed all
temp files.
If you then restart your computer(optional)and go directly to Run/%temp%,
you will see that 2, 3 or 4 more files have been generated.
If you switch your comp. on and off a few times a day, these temp files will
soon build up.
MadDog said:
Anything in a 'temp' directory should be deleteable. I don't understand
you'd have 72GB worth of temp files though.


Its not too difficult to understand if the poster like me a year or so ago,
was completely ignorant of the fact that this folder existed, until I joined
the newsgroups and read one of Malke's replies.
I agree 72GB - with 60 files??? I would expect it to be nearer 2000kb.
I have at this moment 30+ weighing in at 1280kb.
Dyslectic fingers perhaps :-) :-) on behalf of the poster.
Apologies for using/misusing/misquoting your advice if applicable.
You responded as I typed
Some in these newsgroups have quoted 1000+.
ggustar said:
Thanks for advice. I have put a screen clipping on
of my Temp file listing just a few of the files in there.
Also a clipping of the properties.

What the hell are they - nothing like mine - and you were right about the
Mine are like - ~DF9223.temp OR DFAC68 or similar.
I hope someone knows what they are.
Are you a Gooner????
ggustar said:
Thanks for advice. I have put a screen clipping on
of my Temp file listing just a few of the files in there.
Also a clipping of the properties.

As I said in my first answer to you: what is the virus/malware status of
the machine? Go through these steps, including the preparatory work:


After you've done that - and you will need to delete those *.tmp files
manually in small chunks and it will take quite a while and you must do
it in Safe Mode - let us know the status.

For my enlightenment please.
Why must he do that in safe mode, Should be able to do in normal boot as
they are tmp files.