Daniele Pasian said:
Hi i use tlist for enumerate some process in windows 2000 server.
I'm administrator and in task manager i see all process but if i use tlist
#process it does not work.... it does not return anything...
handle.exe return the process but i need the cmdline argument....
I use win2k eng sp4 and tlist of sp4 support tool ver 5.0.2195.6601
any help will apriciated
Thank you
Daniele Pasian
Which version of TLIST.EXE are you using? It seems to work for me:
C:\>TList|Find "1452"
1452 CMD.EXE Command Prompt - Find "1452"
C:\>TList 1452
1452 CMD.EXE Command Prompt - TList 1452
CWD: C:\
CmdLine: "C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe"
VirtualSize: 29480 KB PeakVirtualSize: 33640 KB
WorkingSetSize: 1572 KB PeakWorkingSetSize: 6340 KB
NumberOfThreads: 2
1556 Win32StartAddr:0x4ad1a480 LastErr:0x0000007a State:Waiting
1836 Win32StartAddr:0x77d41c55 LastErr:0x00000000 State:Waiting
5.0.2195.4803 shp 0x4ad00000 cmd.exe
5.0.2195.6685 shp 0x77f80000 ntdll.dll
5.0.2195.6079 shp 0x77e80000 KERNEL32.dll
5.0.2195.6097 shp 0x77e10000 USER32.dll
5.0.2195.5907 shp 0x77f40000 GDI32.dll
5.0.2195.5385 shp 0x77db0000 ADVAPI32.dll
5.0.2195.6753 shp 0x77d30000 RPCRT4.DLL
6.1.9359.0 shp 0x78000000 MSVCRT.dll
5.0.2195.4314 shp 0x75e60000 IMM32.DLL
5.0.3502.5436 shp 0x782f0000 SHELL32.dll
6.0.2800.1106 shp 0x70bd0000 SHLWAPI.DLL
5.81.4916.400 shp 0x71710000 COMCTL32.DLL
5.0.2195.6769 shp 0x77a50000 OLE32.DLL
2.40.4518.0 shp 0x779b0000 OLEAUT32.DLL
2000.2.3497.0 shp 0x775a0000 CLBCATQ.DLL
5.0.2195.4104 shp 0x77840000 cscui.dll
5.0.2195.5434 shp 0x770c0000 CSCDLL.DLL
2.0.2600.2 shp 0x770f0000 MSI.DLL
5.0.2195.3649 shp 0x76620000 MPR.DLL
5.0.2195.5428 shp 0x75160000 ntlanman.dll
5.0.2195.4874 shp 0x75210000 NETUI0.DLL
5.0.2134.1 shp 0x751d0000 NETUI1.DLL
5.0.2195.5427 shp 0x75170000 NETAPI32.DLL
5.0.2195.4587 shp 0x77be0000 SECUR32.DLL
5.0.2134.1 shp 0x751c0000 NETRAP.DLL
5.0.2195.4827 shp 0x75150000 SAMLIB.DLL
5.0.2195.4874 shp 0x75030000 WS2_32.DLL
5.0.2134.1 shp 0x75020000 WS2HELP.DLL
5.0.2195.5400 shp 0x77950000 WLDAP32.DLL
5.0.2195.5354 shp 0x77980000 DNSAPI.DLL
5.0.2195.4874 shp 0x75050000 WSOCK32.DLL