I bought a Tivo with 40GB hard drive and want to use it in a PC.
It's a Western Digital WD400LB-55DNA0
I can fdisk/format it. I can read/write it. It just won't boot.
BIOS gets to the point "verifying DMI pool data" and hangs.
Tried Ranish Partition manager with the same result.
Tried another computer. Tried manually setting normal/lba/large
in the bios, but didn't try reformattting with every combination yet.
Yes, I set it as active/bootable.
Is there something about a TIVO drive that makes it unsuitable
as a normal PC drive? Can it be fixed?
Thanks, mike
It's a Western Digital WD400LB-55DNA0
I can fdisk/format it. I can read/write it. It just won't boot.
BIOS gets to the point "verifying DMI pool data" and hangs.
Tried Ranish Partition manager with the same result.
Tried another computer. Tried manually setting normal/lba/large
in the bios, but didn't try reformattting with every combination yet.
Yes, I set it as active/bootable.
Is there something about a TIVO drive that makes it unsuitable
as a normal PC drive? Can it be fixed?
Thanks, mike