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Is there any way to do a SIMPLE, PROFESSIONAL-looking title that sits at the
bottom of the screen and just tells who someone is and what they do, kind of
like this:

Expert about something

I'm sure there's some way to do it with XML or something like that, but I
don't know XML and don't have time to learn it at the moment.
the Subtitle Animation does that, when you opt for left justification, and
put the text in as two lines
Okay, I guess I lied when I said simple. What would really be nice would be
something where I could have two lines of text at the bottom of the screen,
and they could be different sizes. I've learned enough about XML from
looking at your website to know how to save the XML code for a title and use
a PNG image for the background...in theory anyway. I can't get any of the
PNG images I save to show up with the titles. The names of the titles show
up in the list, but whenever I choose them and type text that doesn't show
up, and the background image doesn't show up either.

So I guess what I need is an answer to why the PNG background images and
text won't show up (and a way to make them show up), and a title with a
background image (which I could make) with 2 lines of text, one bigger and
one smaller, a little further down than the standard subtitle or news banner