Title placement "on" selected clip

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Is there a way to "place" text on a clip where ou want it placed -- i.e. at
the bottom of the clip.

Also, how can ou keep lines from folding on the Title -- just want to make
the line smaller and go across the clip.
Rehan, thanks for your response. Yes, I noticed your comments and article
reference from another post. I could probably work my way through it, but I
am mainly setting this up for my father-in-law, and he would never
understand. But thanks for reinforcing the fact that I haven't really missed
anything in Movie Maker.

By the way, do you have any history with MS and Movie Maker. Do you think
they will continue to upgrade this product (not too bad of a basic video
editing product if they would upgrade this title text placement business and
allow an option for title "on" selected clip to be locked with the clip). Do
you think this is an upgrade they would consider "if" they continue to
support the product.
I am not an insider. But I know that they plan to bring a newer versio with
Windows Vista. whether or not the XP version will be upgradeable I dont
know. The team lead of movie maker team in MS has a blog site at:
http://blogs.msdn.com/deanro which you can refer for more insightful and
direct info.