nominate.com who supplied me with jonrailton.com have redirected using the
cloaking method. see below:-
Step 1 - Choose your web redirection method.
We offer you 2 methods of web forwarding/redirection which are explained
below. These are the ways in which we will forward the web traffic from your
domain to the URL you will enter below.
Cloak - This is the default and probably the best method for you to use. If
you are not sure choose this one. Cloaking allows the user to be forwarded on
to the new URL maintaining the domain name in the URL bar on the browser.
Advanced Users: This is a frame based cloaking including NOFRAMES tag to make
your site is compatible with both frames/non-frames browsers.
Redirect - If you choose this option then when the user types you web site
into their browser it will show
http://www.yourdomain.com for a split second
before changing to the new URL you are forwarding to. Advanced Users: This is
a simple Meta-Refresh Tag.
I guess I will need to get intouch with them unless perhaps there is a way
of fixing this problem from my end?