Title Background

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rach
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I still have a lot to learn about MM2. That's why I read this group! LOL But
I do have a question. I know there must be a way to change the background
behind the titles and credits be darned if I can find it. It's probably
something overly obvious I've just missed, but still...Could you help a girl
out here?

Thank you!

It is simple.
In timeline view when you look at the timeline your title/credit (if it is
currently showing a blue screen) is positioned on the "Transition" line of
the timeline.
Drag it to the "Title Overlay" portion and once it is there you can drag it
back and forth across the timeline. Whatever video/image is above it in the
timeline will show up in place of the blue screen.
To save a step in the future after clicking "Make titles or credits" use the
"Add title *on* the selected clip" option as opposed to the *before* or
*after* options and the Title/Credit will automatically go to the right
section of the timeline.
Thank you! I'll give it a try next time.

I showed my husband the family movie I did today of the films and pics I
took Father's Day and he is now calling me "Rachel Spielberg". LOL
He's SO easily impressed! LOL

choose a video clip or still image, click 'tasks' and click 'make title'.
choose 'place title on clip' and click done and your title should be placed
over the image.