
Aug 7, 2006
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hI, i am new to the forum, joined yesterday, i know how to type and thats about it basically, but.....i am waiting on delivery of a new computer (new secondhand off ebay) and want to make sure it is secure as regards firewall, spyware scanners etc, i am with tiscali, and just wondered if u could tell me if i should buy this product, am i likely to need it ? is it a bargain ? or can i manage without ? would be grateful if u would have a quick look and let me know, thanks.

Windows Restore already does that....Thats built in to windows.....Save your money...
If you new PC has Windows XP on it, then XP has it's own system restore built in. This way you can roll-back to an earlier date if you get a problem.
I wouldn't bother personally, as it doesn't protect you from if your hard drive fails - only for if something goes wrong and it still works. Windows Restore can do this same job (albeit not quite as well, as it is potentially susceptible to virus's).

I'd invest in some DVD's and make hard copies of your files instead :) (a good anti-virus/anti-spyware application will keep your PC trouble free for the most part :thumb: )
oooooooooooo it just goes to show how a LITTLE knowledge can save u a LOT of money eh. Thank u for your replies and i think u mite be seeing a LOT of MEEEEEEEEEEE when i get my new puter :lol: good innit. errrm and may i just add, i am a supergran with special powers and i WILL know if u are hidin from me ya know.:D
oooooooooo i got it, my new puter is here, i have downloaded avg,anti virus, and..........ewido spyware, and am using the xp firewall, do u think i need anything else ?
One little bit of advice, don't use two anti virus programs together, they will often clash.

Either use AVG or Antivir, not both.

In my opinion, Antivir is the better of the two.

And google for AdAwareSE, it's a good program for removing spyware.
Dunno, haven't used Zone Alarm for about five years now. I have a hardware firewall in me router but in those machines using Win XP I use the MS Firewall, seems Ok.

Perhaps others could give a view on Zone Alarm. I do remember all those years ago ZA was clashing with something, may have even been Nortons AV, I was using it then, it actually was quite good in 2001 :)
AMAZED said:
Thank you very much. what about firewall ? is the built in xp one good enuff or should i download zone alarm, or...........someone sent me a link for a this, do u know anything about it ? comodo. here is the link

Sounds like something I need, err, no wait, that's a commode ... never mind.

Personally, I wouldn't try it, I'll stick with the tried & trusted ... you have three choices, ZoneAlarm, Kerio Personal Firewall or Windows' own, all free, tried & tested.

ZoneAlarm lost favour with me long ago, too finicketty, I'll admit I have not used Kerio but it would be my choice if I didn't use MSs own.

I'm another who has a "Hardware" Firewall built-in the Router and I use Windows' own as a precaution.

Any Firewall can be breached. ;)