Tip: Posts on This Newsgroup

  • Thread starter Thread starter PapaJohn \(MVP\)
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PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Movie Maker 2 is great, fun, and can be a key part of a small business....
and you can do amazing things with it.

The posts here are necessarily overly weighted toward problems,
frustrations, and problem solving.... that's the nature and tone of this

My other activities are also associated with Movie Maker... and the overall
tones there are very positive, fun and inspirational. Movie Maker is great
software and most are too busy having fun with it or using it in their work
to be reading and posting to this newsgroup.

If you're not having fun with it yet, hopefully it's right around the
corner.... and you can start adding other kinds of posts here, or join one
of the other newsgroups or forums....

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
Man you are a real fool and yet again you lead with your chin.

I am told by others that your money making message has now been deleted by
Microsoft...I am still waiting for conformation that this is true. If it is
then you must hold some sort of a record....after all the messages where you
boasted that you had got around the block put on you visiting my website
were also deleted once I proved you were a liar.

The only person(s) that are not enjoying themselves in this newsgroup are
those that consistently post content that is frankly rubbish. You have been
taken to task on this issue so many times that it is now a serious
embarrassment to all concerned. For this to happen to an mvp casts a shadow
across other mvp's who I know ARE professional.

My other activities are also associated with Movie Maker... and the
tones there are very positive, fun and inspirational. Movie Maker is great

software and most are too busy having fun with it or using it in their
to be reading and posting to this newsgroup.

Again, lets remind the readers what your other activities are....you would
like to charge a user from this newsgroup $50 just to unscramble a project
that has become to complex for them....you would like to charge $20 for
each reader of your newsletter. At least one of those newsletters contains
flamboyant phrases that are demonstratably WRONG. You have made statements
to Microsoft about your level of expertise.....but when asked exactly what
that expertise is you choose to answer some other question and you follow
it up with yet another reason to doubt your qualifications

In the past you have been taken to task over your persistent and
inappropriate use of Outlook Express by posting active content to a
newsgroup...it took a chap from Microsoft to eventually cause you to behave
properly...but that was after you tried to make me look stupid by saying
that Outlook Express could not deal with a Digitally Signed e-mail....you
must have felt pretty stupid when I had to tell you in public that its the
button at the top of the screen you had to press....those were the days
when I found myself trying to be very polite and privately putting right
some of your remarks....do you yet understand why that situation

You have tried to demean people who's only intent stated publicly and
privately was to help you out, because to admit they were right would have
shown you did not have a clue on the subjects at hand. To that end you
employed what became known as the Bully Boys posting all sorts of
ridiculous statements while you hid behind them...Microsoft eventually put
paid to that little prank didn't they.

You have tried every trick in the book including sending me an e-mail
stating that we can not BOTH run this newsgroup...I replied

When help was offered on some matter that you got wrong your reply was that
you posted to 52 newsgroups and a number of forums....I gave you many
chances over the weeks it took to test the truth of that statement so that
you could honourably retract it...Silence is all we received....and the
truth of the matter....YOU DO NOT POST TO 52 NEWSGROUPS.....not even 10..at
least using your name papajohn

When one visitor in this newsgroup complained that the help he had taken
from your website resulted in a worse situation (and the advice given was
extremely dangerous and very ill advised) your response was that it was at
the visitors peril and that you had no knowledge on the subject.....you
showed a callous lack of responsibility towards that person....and you now
expect people to feel sorry for you ???

Your above remarks are probably the result of yet another conversation with
Microsoft and no doubt you feel upset by it and you are now trying to get
the real people who need help in here and not a bill for services rendered
to follow you away from here....it is frankly pathetic, are you going to
post a message every day??? I doubt Microsoft will like that too much

If you choose to leave...GOODBYE, if you choose to stay and perform in the
manner you have, I think you understand now that there is a growing
realisation that your tactics are NOT WANTED

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
John said:
Man you are a real fool and yet again you lead with your chin.

I am told by others that your money making message has now been
deleted by Microsoft...I am still waiting for conformation that this
is true.

It is not true.

John Eddy
Microsoft Newsgroups Administrator

HA HA HA HA....its sickening really is...it seems to be back on the MS
server...clever stuff....but I had already reset my server and did a
download...and on that machine the only messages are from me and the mvp
acting like a complete fool (he was in good company) Mr Inzer

Just reset another machine and pointed it at my local provider...papajohns
message is NOT there but all the other messages are...

Nice try...goodbye

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
John said:

HA HA HA HA....its sickening really is...it seems to be back on the MS
server...clever stuff....but I had already reset my server and did a
download...and on that machine the only messages are from me and the
mvp acting like a complete fool (he was in good company) Mr Inzer

Just reset another machine and pointed it at my local
provider...papajohns message is NOT there but all the other messages

Nice try...goodbye

Looking at the control.cancel newsgroup, message-id
<[email protected]> was never cancelled on our servers.
If you don't see it when connecting to msnews.microsoft.com, let me know and
I will investigate the issue, but when I checked an hour ago, all of the
NNTP servers had a copy of that message-id.

John Eddy
Microsoft Newsgroups Administrator
I'm sorry, I don't care. It is significant that it was NOT there and now
suddenly is.

remembering that he has other messages deleted recently with no public
announcement to that effect and now these happening, well frankly it does
not surprise me...whether it actually was deleted...as I said...I do not
care...personally I think its better if it remains so that others can see
exactly what I mean about his methods...except one particular MVP mr (I
don't understand inzer) have you sent them on a black comedy course??


I have set FU to a more appropriate venue