Tip: Posting Statistics

  • Thread starter Thread starter PapaJohn \(MVP\)
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PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Some people like statistics such as how many posts one makes, or how many
newsgroups they post to. Here's a link to help. Rather than pick someone
else, I'll use my own name to illustrate it:

http://[email protected]&searchdate=10/6/2004

The stats for 2003 are complete, but for 2004 they are still missing the
period from early October to the end of the year. Using what's there so far
shows that I:

- posted to 17 newsgroups in 2004 and 63 in 2003.... with 2,693 posts in
2004 and 3,162 in 2003....

- the stats for the 17 newsgroups and the links to them... if you did the
page for 2003, you'd see a list of the 63 newsgroups (the year that some
question my stats)...

If you're curious about yourself or someone else... give it a whirl. Note
that postings to other private newsgroups are not included.


Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
Yes there you go again stretching the truth...

I said it before and I will say it now...you are evasive and do not tell the
truth when YOUR version of the truth suits better...the very first message I
clicked on after digging into the stats simply shows that the message
contained a quote from you...you were NOT THE AUTHOR iN ADDITION...DO YOU
POSTED TO 52 NEWSGROUPS ON A regular basis...ITS MORE THAN A year old now

Just took a look at your stats for 2003...the year in question...USER
ACTIVE FOR ONE DAY LOL Man you are a scream. So I say again, where are
these message groups that you post to on a regular basis....ALL 52 of

Here is one of your messages on Movie Maker...

Open a DOS box using Start > Run > Command (type in)
type the app followed by /? and it'll give you the command line options. An
example is:
defrag /?
Oops, no it isnt....its in the visual basic newsgroup!!! As I have said
before....answer a question with one of your own...here is another of your

Open a DOS box using Start > Run > Command (type in)
type the app followed by /? and it'll give you the command line options. An
example is:
defrag /?

Oops...no it isnt....its the same message...so you answered a CROSS POSTER
and this particular reply ended up in LOADS OF NEWSGROUPS...So once
more....you are a LIAR...these newsgroups have a reply from you that is not
related to movie maker...by ACCIDENT...soi whichever way you decide to look
at it you AGAIN BENDING THE TRUTH to make yourself look good.

You really do like to lead with your chin pointing forward, your mouth wide
open and brain in nuetral dont you...you are a laugh a minute.

SO, you have shown us 63 newsgroups most of which show you active for just
one day...there is the first clue...you then check some of these messages
and find that they are disjointed...there is no involvement, just ONE REPLY
from you...you then follow these messages across different news groups and
find that that one message was actually a crossposted reply to a message
which was itself cross posted to a large number of newsgroups...in other
words with the large majority of these newsgroups...YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN

LIAR !!!
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hello again,

Have you got it yet? You know I am a retired Policeman, you know I was an
advisor to almost every Police Force in the UK and some oversea's. You know
my specialty was computers, you know I wrote software that canalises data
to discover when and by who a crime was committed, you may even know that
more than 10years after that software was rolled out that it is still in
use today...

It was my job description...Catch The Liar/Cheat/Thief whatever you want to
call it...

You make remarks that try to prove you are after all not a LIAR, did you
think that I would not check your claims....

The stats for 2003 are complete, but for 2004 they are still missing the
period from early October to the end of the year. Using what's there so
shows that I:

Yes these stats tell a good story....you should not Open Your Mouth until
you know what it is that you are going to say
- the stats for the 17 newsgroups and the links to them... if you did the
page for 2003, you'd see a list of the 63 newsgroups (the year that some
question my stats)...

That was a very silly thing to say.....Trying to infer that I am a
liar......silly man, v.silly man.

So the last time I had enough proof to call you a liar, Microsoft deleted
your claims. Will they do that again? Will you give up trying to prove you
reallyare telling the truth...52 newsgroups was your claim more than a year
ago....now you want us to believe its actually SIXTY THREE LOLOLOLOL

For gods sake man, shut up before Microsoft decide to take away your mvp
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I knew that, if anyone would like this tip, it would be you... a couple
comments about your response:

The posting statistics are only one measure of interest and involvement. I
routinely read every word of every post on this newsgroup, but I only
respond to some of them... only when I have something positive to offer. I
read every post on the newsgroups that cover Photo Story 2 and 3, but
respond to even fewer... I won't go down the list of newsgroups and forums
that I routinely read.

It's not reasonable to suggest that I go into a newsgroup and make just one
post during the year.... I'd have to have read many posts to even pick one
that's appropriate to respond to.... if I say I routinely monitor X number
of newsgroups today, you can't expect to see it by looking at these kinds of
stats tomorrow. They don't include stats about reading.

There are many who read many of these posts and don't themselves post. It
doesn't make them less interested in what is being said. If you interpret
the statistics that show me making one post on one day in a newsgroup as
being 'Active for One Day'... then you're missing a significant dimension of
being interested and involved... the dimension of reading posts.

Part of my routine reading has more to do with maintaining my websites. I'm
learning about the interests of the users and the issues they are having....
and what successes they have in resolving them. That gets folded into the

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
Man, you are a complete fool

It's not reasonable to suggest that I go into a newsgroup and make just
post during the year.

Why not...the stats for 2003 the year in question show that more than half
the groups you claim to post to hold just one duplicate message.;..just
ONE...and its a reply to someone who heavily CROSS POSTED...so somewhere
there is ONE NEWSGROUP where you replied to that message....and all the
others are just copies and the ONLY message from you...it MUST therefore
follow that you have never posted to that newsgroup yourself by visiting
it...ANY ATTEMPT by you to prove otherwise simple makes you more of a
laughingstock....you have nbeen caught out again and for some impossible
reason you are now trying to worm your way out of it...I will say it again
just so that you fully underttstand...YOU ARE A LIAR
There are many who read many of these posts and don't themselves post. It
doesn't make them less interested in what is being said. If you interpret
the statistics that show me making one post on one day in a newsgroup as
being 'Active for One Day'... then you're missing a significant dimension
being interested and involved... the dimension of reading posts.

See my reply above...

Part of my routine reading has more to do with maintaining my websites.
learning about the interests of the users and the issues they are
and what successes they have in resolving them. That gets folded into the

Not interested...,YOU ARE A LIAR..you did not post to 52 newsgroups in
2003...you did not activly post to 63. LIAR
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hello again

Someone has just emailed me....you are doing the same mistake you always
do!!! You do not know how to check those stats do you....No, I am not going
to tell you how to do it...other people have spotted it....I am waiting for
a retraction of your statements...one where you admit that many of the
newsgroups you claim you posted to in 2003 actually only contain one
message...the message is a cross post....and the reason that you are shown
as active for one day in those newsgroups is because you posted a reply to
a cross posted message and it went to newsgroups that you personally have

You have got to be the biggest fool ever...shall we start talking about how
you did not know how to use Outlook Express at the time you claimed to post
to 52 newsgroups????? Would you like a lesson on what happens when you
reply to a cross posted message? Do you even no what a cross posted message

Looking forward to a properly worded retraction and apology.

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
The stats for 2003 are complete, but for 2004 they are still missing the
period from early October to the end of the year. Using what's there so
shows that I:

- posted to 17 newsgroups in 2004 and 63 in 2003.... with 2,693 posts in
2004 and 3,162 in 2003....

Still waiting for your retraction

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
interesting tool! I count between 1999 and 2004 I posted to 40 groups....
that is were all my 'missing time' went!


interesting tool! I count between 1999 and 2004 I posted to 40 groups....
that is were all my 'missing time' went!

Yes they are interesting when you know how to read them and understand what
they mean....another friend of mine recently complaining about papajohn in
an email sent me the same kind of stats as provided by Google. I was amazed
to find that I post more than the not-so-exulted-one...but on reflection I
guess a large part of those posts were putting the-not-so-exulted-one right
when he posts one of his frequent booboo's

A large part of the the last half of my working career was devoted to
creating computer analysis software matching Geo-Demographic data with
previous criminal offenders and unsolved crime reports. The success rate of
those programs was around 25%, which believe it or not is quite
high....Prior to being head hunted into that job (and out of a boring job)
I was at Durham and Stirling Universities both studying Pure & Applied
maths and working...computerised analysis of Tachograph charts...The result
was...I AM SICK OF STATS !!! :(

But when someone is foolish enough to put stats in front of me....well you
have read the replies I am sure :):)

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

I guess your silence is due to embarasment...it is the expected reaction
from you...do you think the issue is going to go away? As you chose to make
a concerted effort to show I did not know what I was talking about and made
yourself look somewhat stupid again...you can expect the same vigour in

You knew the request for a retraction existed...and you failed to give
one.....Oh Dear, What A Shame, How Sad !!!

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hey there pj,

Here is an example of you replying to a cross posted thread...

Newsgroups: rec.video.dvd.tech, rec.video.desktop
From: "PapaJohn \(MVP\)" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:43:23 -0500 Local: Mon, Feb 24 2003 9:43 pm
Subject: Re: marking DVDs - Ink?
I use Sharpie markers on CDs and haven't run into a problem yet.
That's an example from a newsgroup where you posted one whole messages in
one year. It was in the rec.video.dvd.tech newsgroup...therefore the copy
of the message that went to rec.video.desktop has to be deducted from your
total in THAT group which was 151 for the entire year...therefore and
without checking each of the other messages you only posted 150 to the
.desktop newsgroup...or if you want it the other way around...I don't mind
which way you do it...you posted 151 in .desktop and you never went near
rec.video.dvd.tech to post the message...but hang on a moment...that would
mean you DID NOT POST ANY MESSAGES in that newsgroup...Oh Dear

Here is another one where you posted THREE messages in one year...all I am
going to show are the newsgroups it was cross posted to...OK

Newsgroups: alt.video.dvd, alt.video.dvd.authoring, alt.video.dvd.software,
alt.video.dvd.tech, microsoft.public.windowsxp.moviemaker
So for each of those additional newsgroups delete 1 ( that's ONE ) from
each of the mentioned newsgroups....
Oops...where are those 63 newsgroups going...they are vanishing as fast as
you can blink !!!
Oh Ho...just noticed...there is a racing certainty that you actually
replied to this particular message from within windowsxp.moviemaker...in
other words, you did not even go looking for this message
thread.....LOL...Do you still want to play with statistics??? For anyone
else reading this...Papajohn claimed that he posted to 52 newsgroups at the
beginning of last year...he did this in a vein attempt at proving that he
must therefore be right and that anyone who contradicted him must be
wrong....I did some checking....which I had not thought to say before...it
included duplicate message removal...something the stats he recently
produced do not do....and the LIE was added to the list of horendous
statements on other matters that have occurredduring the last 12-13 months.
PJ has decided to fight back...but in his same old fashion he either did
not know how to read the stats he has used or he was in to much of a rush
to say I Told You So.
PJ, I still have the search I did..all of the results and when I looked at
the search criterea I find that duplicate removal (the default) was
switched on...Those results which are quite large would have been of no use
if Duplicate Removal had not been turned on.

There are loads of these examples....I bet you wish you had not posted your
first message, Eh?

You can still withdraw your statement...I'm listening !!!
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
What's the big deal? I don't see PapaJohn doing much more than just
reporting the raw data for himself returned by
http://netscan.research.microsoft.com. When I go to this website, I get the
same numbers he put in his message.

As you've pointed out, this raw data has flaws such as an inflated newsgroup
count when cross-posting; but that's hardly lying.

This issue is more than a year old and runs VERY deep....he made his claims
to prove that as a result of those claims he must be right about everything
he said....it was as a result of me trying to politely help him out but
instead of accepting he had made a small mistake he jumped up and down
making stupid remarks like this one.

Since then I proved that not only was that statement wrong...by running an
intence search on every newsgroup in the world and giving him repeated
chances at withdrawing his statements. Instead I had to suffer stupid
remarks from Mr Andrew Brown of Microsoft....his remarks were even
worse...then we had Mr John Eddy....he could not get beyond a stupid
definition. Those two plus a load of bully boys had some real fun....it got
out of hand and Microsoft gave them all a good talking too.

Moving on though, papajohns claims get more and more stupid....Network
Aware Movie Maker, Priority settings and LOTS of other WRONG claims.....

Then he posted the message at the start of this thread...it has only one
purpose...his triumphant belief that he has finally found something to back
up his claim that he reguarily posts to 52 newsgroups (original claim) But
in the same way that he does not know how to run simple programs like
Outlook Express and in the same way that he threw help back over why his
web site was accessible to only one part of the world, he charges in with
all guns blazing and GETS IT WRONG AGAIN LOL

He is CLUELESS, He has no RESPONCIBILITY to people who go to his website
and end up in trouble because of that, He LIES, He is EVASIVE He is
MANIPULATIVE He has a serious lack of KNOWLEDGE He ABUSES his position in
order to take money from users who come here for the FREE help they expect
to get...$20 for a newsletter, $50 to break apart a complex
project........the list goes on quite a lot more

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

To those interested in the outcome of the test on papajohns new claim that
he posts to 63 newsgroups. The result can be found in the "Bloopers" page
of my website Oh Dear !!!

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Sounds like an interesting website page... unfortunately you have the site
locked for me to see it....

I only ask that, when you present material about something I said... you
should have the decency to quote the full original text, not some reworked
current version that best suits your current arguments.

In some ways you continue to give me inspiration.... hope you and yours have
a great time with the page.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
Your statement of around a year ago said, "I post to 52 newsgroups and a
few forums" I called you a LIAR...finally a year later you boost your claim
to SIXTY THREE newsgroups....I still say you are a LIAR....I then took apart
your stats and PROVED IT AGAIN...and on top of that...you also demonstrate
that you ONCE AGAIN do not know how to navigate your way around a basic web
page....either that or you are demonstrating that having done that you do
not understand very much about this Internet...after all who would be stupid
enough to use those kind of stats to prove the much inflated remarks
recently made???

It takes a special kind of idiot to do that....It will be added to the list
of papajohns bloopers

You are a fraud....how many ways have I demonstrated it.....god knows...

You are what we call in the UK a "RIP-OFF MERCHANT" you tried to get users
to click a link that would have given you a financial benefit,...you would
like to charge the people you are here to help the staggering amount of US
$50 just to break a project into smaller pieces....you would like to9
charge them US $20 to read your news letter...one of which was shown to
contain one of your other LIES

I only ask that, when you present material about something I said... you
should have the decency to quote the full original text, not some reworked

current version that best suits your current arguments.

Go on, tell the world how I have in any way manipulated what you say...My
Statements are plain enough....YOU ARE A LIAR. I am uncertain of how that
can be manipulated...so do please give the example of exactly what you did
say and then demonstrate how I somehow changed it...Come On Lets see it???
In some ways you continue to give me inspiration.... hope you and yours
a great time with the page

Give you inspiration...well that's not very hard to do...you have been
shown to be incompetent on so many issues you must look up to everyone
around you and be INSPIRED Still leading with your chin!! You Never Le
arn Mr MVP Liar
Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Hello again,


I forgot to mention...it seems your messages were being deleted in 2003 as
well...the information gathered by Microsoft takes you to a location where
it says that the message had a subject to do with language or bad
language....and interestingly whoever had it deleted also had all of the
cross posted messages deleted as well...hint pj LOL that means all those
other message that got sent to the other newsgroups as soon as you pressed
the send button.

Very interesting...I wonder what that was all about..

Well anyway, thank you for giving us all an insight into your message
posting habits....you know...those 63 newsgroups that you claimed to have
posted to but actually did nothing of the sort HAHAHA....I bet Microsoft
just love you dragging the mvp status down into the mud....LOL

If I can find a few minutes I will add up the DAYS ACTIVE in each
newsgroup...from those stats you provided...(Thanks) I will add them to the
web page...should make interesting reading....do you remember that phrase
you used a while back...LOL it made me laugh at the time...you tried to
imply that you actually did know something about databases''''you used the
phrase "Drilled Down" HAHAHA...I bet you wish you had done that to these
stats before you posted them.....you should have drilled a big hole to hide
them in :)

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at www.the-kellys.org
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work