Tiny and Time computers

May 11, 2005
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In the news today the Granville Technology Group who own Time and Tiny computers have closed all 78 stores and the entire company may go to the wall.Wonder where this will leave people with warranties?
Eeek, that's bad news. I was thinking of buing a Tiny laptop this year. I always wondered how they could survive with such low prices for such high spec machines. :eek:
They were surviving by building shabby machines as cheaply as possible with awful customer service - although I'm sorry for those who have bought/ordered from them, frankly I see it as good news - it would do the PC industry alot of good if they went under and disappeared...:thumb:
bagaaz said:
Eeek, that's bad news. I was thinking of buing a Tiny laptop this year. I always wondered how they could survive with such low prices for such high spec machines. :eek:
bagaaz said:
Eeek, that's bad news. I was thinking of buing a Tiny laptop this year. I always wondered how they could survive with such low prices for such high spec machines. :eek:
Low prices ... cheap shoddy components. High spec ... your kidding, right?


Good ridence ... that company deserves to go under. :p