Jan Kronsell
I have looked at Chip Pearsons site, and I have tried several things, but do
not seem to be able to get anything to work.
I have Start time in A1 and End time in B1. Starttime can be anything
between 0:00 and 23:59 and End Time the same. The difference between Start
time and end time is never more than 24 hours.
My problem is simply to calculate how much of the spend time lies with the
interval 17:00 (5 pm) and 6:00 (6 am). Examples
Start time 06:00 End time: 16:00 Spend time. 10 hours. Within Interval: 0.
Start time 14:00 End time: 22:00 Spend time. 8 hours. Within Interval: 5.
Start time 22:00 End time: 06:00 Spend time. 8 hours. Within Interval: 8.
Start time 16:00 End time: 07:00 Spend time. 15 hours. Within Interval: 13
Start time 04:00 End time: 12:00 Spend time. 8 hours. Within Interval: 2.
Start time 04:00 End time: 18:00 Spend time. 14 hours. Within Interval: 4.
Start time 00:00 End time: 23:00 Spend time. 23 hours. Within Interval: 12.
and so on
I have made formulas, that caluclate the interval correct between 5AMand
midnight and between midnight and 6AM but I can't put them together. Any
not seem to be able to get anything to work.
I have Start time in A1 and End time in B1. Starttime can be anything
between 0:00 and 23:59 and End Time the same. The difference between Start
time and end time is never more than 24 hours.
My problem is simply to calculate how much of the spend time lies with the
interval 17:00 (5 pm) and 6:00 (6 am). Examples
Start time 06:00 End time: 16:00 Spend time. 10 hours. Within Interval: 0.
Start time 14:00 End time: 22:00 Spend time. 8 hours. Within Interval: 5.
Start time 22:00 End time: 06:00 Spend time. 8 hours. Within Interval: 8.
Start time 16:00 End time: 07:00 Spend time. 15 hours. Within Interval: 13
Start time 04:00 End time: 12:00 Spend time. 8 hours. Within Interval: 2.
Start time 04:00 End time: 18:00 Spend time. 14 hours. Within Interval: 4.
Start time 00:00 End time: 23:00 Spend time. 23 hours. Within Interval: 12.
and so on
I have made formulas, that caluclate the interval correct between 5AMand
midnight and between midnight and 6AM but I can't put them together. Any