Whenever I travel and change the timezone on my handheld or laptop, all my
meeting times/appointments in Outlook are automatically moved. E.g. When I
move from London to Toronto, an 8am appointment in London becomes a 3am
appointment when I change the timezone on my laptop or PDA. When I am in
Toronto and plan an 8am meeting in London, I don't want that entry to change
when I change timezones. I am wondering how I can prevent or bypass this
very unhelpful feature?
meeting times/appointments in Outlook are automatically moved. E.g. When I
move from London to Toronto, an 8am appointment in London becomes a 3am
appointment when I change the timezone on my laptop or PDA. When I am in
Toronto and plan an 8am meeting in London, I don't want that entry to change
when I change timezones. I am wondering how I can prevent or bypass this
very unhelpful feature?