timestamp bullet




I often run experiments which need timed observations. Is there a way to
essentially make a bulleted list where the timestamp is the bullet? In other
words, every time I hit RETURN, I'd like a new paragraph to start with the
time as first thing, followed by an indent.



I often run experiments which need timed observations. Is there a way to
essentially make a bulleted list where the timestamp is the bullet? In other
words, every time I hit RETURN, I'd like a new paragraph to start with the
time as first thing, followed by an indent.

This is code I put in a Logfile's autoopen macro to datestamp a new
paragraph every time I open the Logfile:

With Selection
.EndKey Unit:=wdStory 'puts cursor at end
* .TypeParagraph 'starts a new line
* .InsertDateTime DateTimeFormat:="dd-MMM-yy", _
* InsertAsField:=False 'types in date in the above format
.TypeParagraph 'starts a new line
End With

You could write a macro that would start a new paragraph with a style
set up to indent per your specs and insert the time stamp at the
beginning. The lines above that I marked with asterisks should get
you going (the second two asterisked lines are actually one line).
Adjust the DateTimeFormat to show the time.

You could assign the macro to the Enter key, but I'd probably assign
it to a different key combination.

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