I keep getting an error on a particular computer saying:
//Start of error message
Your Microsoft Exchange Server is unavailable.
You can retry connecting to the server using the network, or work offline
and connect using dial-up networking.
The network did not respond in a timely fashion to determine the existence
of an Exchange Server, you may retry and continue waiting for a response or
work offline.
//End of error message
This to me would mean that it's timing out.... but I set the timeout to 999
and it's not waiting that long before timing out.
Also when you ping the exchange server I'm getting a very fast response time
so I can not understand what the problem could be can anybody else help me
//Start of error message
Your Microsoft Exchange Server is unavailable.
You can retry connecting to the server using the network, or work offline
and connect using dial-up networking.
The network did not respond in a timely fashion to determine the existence
of an Exchange Server, you may retry and continue waiting for a response or
work offline.
//End of error message
This to me would mean that it's timing out.... but I set the timeout to 999
and it's not waiting that long before timing out.
Also when you ping the exchange server I'm getting a very fast response time
so I can not understand what the problem could be can anybody else help me