We have this issue on one of our pages and we can not figure out what is
This sp (SQL2000) runs in less than a second on SQL. However, once app is
deployed problems are happening.
I also tried to connect to same database that deployed app is pointing to
from my local development and submit action is fast.
SP does following:
Select from Table1
Update Table1
Insert into Table1
Insert into Table2
Table1 has less than 1500 records, 56 columns, Table2 has less than 500
records and is replica of Table1 with few additional columns.
Table1 has trigger (insert, updated, delete) but we don't think trigger is
issue (we tried removing it).
Also, app does other transactions on Table1 - but always just one (insert,
uodate or delete) and never any issue with it.
Code we have looks like following:
VB page calls BusinesssRules (we tried Transaction = disabled and
This BR calls DataAccess class and in that function we have ExecuteNonQuery.
Connection object is a black box to us I can only hope that there is no
exclusive locks on tables.
What I also notices is that once I hit submit on App and then go to db even
simple select statement on Table 1 would take long (combined time since
Submit and running statement from db is around 1 minut).
But this was not consistent behaviour; just as this timeout would work
sometimes and performance would be ok and most of time it is a pain.
Following is the error from App event log.
Assembly: WebUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Method:ASP.ET_Futures_Contract_aspx InsertRecord Exception: Timeout expired.
The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server
is not responding. Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Stack:
Server stack trace:
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage
reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData&
msgData, Int32 type)
at BusinessRules.CBOFuturesContract.Insert(String[]& arrCallerInfo, Int64
lOPCORollupSeq, Int64 lTraderSeq, Int64 lCommodityStrategySeq, Int64
lBrokerSeq, DateTime dtFromDateDt, DateTime dtToDateDt, DateTime
dtTradeDateDt, String strSideCd, Int64 lCommodityRollUpSeq, Int32
iContractMonthNum, Int32 iContractYearNum, Int32 iContractQtyNum, Decimal
decStrikeMny, Int64 lStrikeCurrencySeq, Int64 lStrikeUnitSeq, Decimal
decComissionMny, Int64 lComissionCurrencySeq, Int64 lComissionUnitSeq,
Decimal decComissionPercentPrc, String strAccountNumber, Int32
iFirstNoticeNum, Int32 iFirstNoticeIntervalNum, Int32 iRecuringNoticeNum,
Int32 iRecuringNoticeIntervalNum, String strSubjectD, String
strNotificationD, Int32 iContract_seq, String strChildTypeCd, Object
dtExpirationDate_dt, Int32 iCollar_seq)
at FuturesContract.InsertRecord(Int32 parentSeq, Int32 iCollarSeq)
I hope someone can help out.
This sp (SQL2000) runs in less than a second on SQL. However, once app is
deployed problems are happening.
I also tried to connect to same database that deployed app is pointing to
from my local development and submit action is fast.
SP does following:
Select from Table1
Update Table1
Insert into Table1
Insert into Table2
Table1 has less than 1500 records, 56 columns, Table2 has less than 500
records and is replica of Table1 with few additional columns.
Table1 has trigger (insert, updated, delete) but we don't think trigger is
issue (we tried removing it).
Also, app does other transactions on Table1 - but always just one (insert,
uodate or delete) and never any issue with it.
Code we have looks like following:
VB page calls BusinesssRules (we tried Transaction = disabled and
This BR calls DataAccess class and in that function we have ExecuteNonQuery.
Connection object is a black box to us I can only hope that there is no
exclusive locks on tables.
What I also notices is that once I hit submit on App and then go to db even
simple select statement on Table 1 would take long (combined time since
Submit and running statement from db is around 1 minut).
But this was not consistent behaviour; just as this timeout would work
sometimes and performance would be ok and most of time it is a pain.
Following is the error from App event log.
Assembly: WebUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Method:ASP.ET_Futures_Contract_aspx InsertRecord Exception: Timeout expired.
The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server
is not responding. Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Stack:
Server stack trace:
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage
reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData&
msgData, Int32 type)
at BusinessRules.CBOFuturesContract.Insert(String[]& arrCallerInfo, Int64
lOPCORollupSeq, Int64 lTraderSeq, Int64 lCommodityStrategySeq, Int64
lBrokerSeq, DateTime dtFromDateDt, DateTime dtToDateDt, DateTime
dtTradeDateDt, String strSideCd, Int64 lCommodityRollUpSeq, Int32
iContractMonthNum, Int32 iContractYearNum, Int32 iContractQtyNum, Decimal
decStrikeMny, Int64 lStrikeCurrencySeq, Int64 lStrikeUnitSeq, Decimal
decComissionMny, Int64 lComissionCurrencySeq, Int64 lComissionUnitSeq,
Decimal decComissionPercentPrc, String strAccountNumber, Int32
iFirstNoticeNum, Int32 iFirstNoticeIntervalNum, Int32 iRecuringNoticeNum,
Int32 iRecuringNoticeIntervalNum, String strSubjectD, String
strNotificationD, Int32 iContract_seq, String strChildTypeCd, Object
dtExpirationDate_dt, Int32 iCollar_seq)
at FuturesContract.InsertRecord(Int32 parentSeq, Int32 iCollarSeq)
I hope someone can help out.