I want to plot two horizontal bar graphs that plot
different steps of a process (in minutes) against a
timeline that begins at 7am and increases by 15 minute
In other words I have 2 products each with 4 steps
prepare, mix, bake, and cool. Each of the steps times
vary by product. Product A: prepare (10 minutes), (Mix 65
minutes), Bake (120 Minutes), and cool (45 minutes).
Product Brepare (10 minutes), (Mix 90 minutes), Bake
(150 Minutes), and cool (30 minutes). I want the x-axis
to begin at 7am and end at 4pm and show each of the
products steps ploted on the timeline beginning at 7am
different steps of a process (in minutes) against a
timeline that begins at 7am and increases by 15 minute
In other words I have 2 products each with 4 steps
prepare, mix, bake, and cool. Each of the steps times
vary by product. Product A: prepare (10 minutes), (Mix 65
minutes), Bake (120 Minutes), and cool (45 minutes).
Product Brepare (10 minutes), (Mix 90 minutes), Bake
(150 Minutes), and cool (30 minutes). I want the x-axis
to begin at 7am and end at 4pm and show each of the
products steps ploted on the timeline beginning at 7am