Timeline problems

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I've just had my computer restored after a breakdown, and now one of the
settings has changed, and i dont' know how to change it back.

Okay, so i've imported my images and such. And i place them onto the time
line...but i can't place them anywhere on the time-line. It goes straight to
the beginning. Before my computer crash, i was able to place the images
anywhere on the timeline...and if i had more than one image, i could have
spaces between them. As my settings stand now, images are to be next to each
other, or overlapped...and starts right from 00:00:00...which is not what i

I've tried editing the image properties on the timeline...i've tried the
editing properties of the movie file i'm making...and it hasn't worked.

Does anyone know how i can change the setting?! It would be a great help!
i have this same problem with videos too, im trying to make a movie but i
dont want all of my clips right next to each other . if i try to drag a clip
to the next storyboard box it wont let me. also if i cut paste my clip into
the next box then delete the previous one it deletes the one i just made.
I know it can be fixed because i used to be able to place images/clips
anywhere on the timeline...but now i can't. Just trying to work out why, and
how to change it...
It's bizzare.
I think you will have to clarify a bit.
In reading your post it sounds as though you are trying to actually drag
images on the timeline leaving space between them and this cannot be done.
The first clip will always go to the beginning and the next clip right next
to it etc... If you need space between then you need to create an image that
is all black (or whatever color you want I suppose) and insert that image
between your pictures.