Timeline Freezing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maurice Newsome
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Maurice Newsome


I am not in position to create the movie file yet but
I notice that some of the action freezes and sometimes
speeds up when playing the timeline. Is this issue
corrected in the final product? If not, what are my
options? Please advise at your earliest convenience.
The final movie should be fine... the preview of the timeline drops info as
it needs to in order to play it in real time.... the rendering of the movie
takes the time it needs to get it all into the file.

Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org

Hello Maurice,

The preview freezing will be caused by your system not be able to supply on
demand each frame of the video in real time. That's not a problem as the
final rendering of your movie is not in any way time or data flow related.

If your preview is speeding up that does not sound good at all as it
implies that Movie Maker is not adhering to its 25 or 30 frames per second
mandate. I wonder are you confusing the dropping of some frames so that
Movie Maker can keep up during preview which would give the appearance in
some ways of a speeding up, or are you seeing all of the frames smoothly
but at too high a rate. If the former, then that's OK Movie Maker is
designed to drop frames during the preview so that the frame it does
publish appears at the right moment. If its the later, well I guess there
is a software issue. Solving it though might not be worth the effort you
might need to do so. If your final video is what you designed it to be I
would leave well alone. If the final video displays unwanted
characteristics then another post here describing the problem will be a

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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