ome of the computers on my network have the wrong time.
It's off by a few minutes....
So I changed the time on one machine. But after a reboot,
it goes back to the wrong time again.
So I figured it must be synch'ed with the server. I go
ahead and adjust all the clocks on the server. Then I
reboot a few workstations, and all is good. BUT after a
day or so (without rebooting the servers) all workstations
and servers go back to the wrong time.
Any ideas? TIA.
It's off by a few minutes....
So I changed the time on one machine. But after a reboot,
it goes back to the wrong time again.
So I figured it must be synch'ed with the server. I go
ahead and adjust all the clocks on the server. Then I
reboot a few workstations, and all is good. BUT after a
day or so (without rebooting the servers) all workstations
and servers go back to the wrong time.
Any ideas? TIA.