time synchronisation error




I have a problem synchronising my computer's time with several time servers.
"Adjust date/time" allways gives: An error occurred while Windows was
synchronising with time.nist.gov.
I've tried several other servers (time.windows.com, time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov,
clock.uregina.ca, ntp1.rnp.br, ...), this gives the same result. I can "ping"
them so they are reachable.
There doesn't appear to be a problem with the windows time service since it's
I've also disabled my firewall ... no success.

In event viewer's system log I have the following (numerous) errors:
The time provider NtpClient is configured to acquire time from one or more time
sources, however none of the sources are currently accessible. No attempt to
contact a source will be made for 14 minutes. NtpClient has no source of
accurate time.

I've reviewed several time synch related issues on this news server, but they
don't help me any further.

Anybody still any other ideas ?

Thanks in advance,


I don't know how your system is configured, so I'll leave
this advice-Make sure the system date is correct. If all
else fails download a 3rd party applet from NIST.


Hans said in news:[email protected]:

I have a problem synchronising my computer's time with several time
servers. "Adjust date/time" allways gives: An error occurred while
Windows was synchronising with time.nist.gov.
I've tried several other servers (time.windows.com,
time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov, clock.uregina.ca, ntp1.rnp.br, ...),
this gives the same result. I can "ping" them so they are reachable.
There doesn't appear to be a problem with the windows time service
since it's started.
I've also disabled my firewall ... no success.

In event viewer's system log I have the following (numerous) errors:
The time provider NtpClient is configured to acquire time from one or
more time sources, however none of the sources are currently
accessible. No attempt to contact a source will be made for 14
minutes. NtpClient has no source of accurate time.

I've reviewed several time synch related issues on this news server,
but they don't help me any further.

Anybody still any other ideas ?

Thanks in advance,

I've never gotten it to work (reliably). I might get it connected once in
about 20 retries (but this utility doesn't automatically do retries, plus it
only does it on login so if you leave your computer on and logged in then
you don't get sync'ed during that session). It really only works well when
in a domain and connecting to a PDC or Netware server (and then the sync
still only occurs on login). So I use Socketwatch which polls MANY of the
NTP sites in case some are busy, unreachable, or too slow to respond. There
abound many other time sync utilities; a search on "time sync" at
www.download.com shows many products, and even AnalogX has a free one.

Alex Nichol

Hans said:
I have a problem synchronising my computer's time with several time servers.
"Adjust date/time" allways gives: An error occurred while Windows was
synchronising with time.nist.gov.

I would disable and re-enable the service:

1. Start->Run cmd.exe
2. net stop w32time
3. w32tm.exe /unregister
4. w32tm.exe /register
5. net start w32time

(note spellings w32tm and w32time in different commands)

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