Time synch between 2 servers

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I have 2 win2k servers on the same network but in different domains. I have
the one server using ntp to get it's time from an external source. I would
like the other server to synch with this server.

What is the best approch to accomplish this task.

Thank you.
[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.win2000.general and a copy
was sent to the cited author.]

I have 2 win2k servers on the same network but in different domains. I have
the one server using ntp to get it's time from an external source. I would
like the other server to synch with this server.

What is the best approch to accomplish this task.

net time /setsntp:server (or ip.add.re.sss, or domain.name)
net time /querysntp (get the current setting, if not default)
net time /setsntp (blank entry means restore defaults)