Time shows as one hour later than it appears on the

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I also have this problem. To troubleshoot, I have disabled 1) internet time update feature in control panel 2) had all 3 computer check adjust daylight savings time, and later 3) had 3 computers disable adjust daylight savings time. Problem still pops up, but it is not a consistent error

Also went through above exercise with iCal vs vCal feature without success

All three outlook pst files show some corruption every few days

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Clarification: Message was intended to be a reply to another post. There appears to be two problems going on 1) appointment recipients often recieve messages 1 hour later than the original, and 2) after a week of problem #1, some appointments have dates that have been changed. These appointments have one thing in common, they tend to be "all day events" that have lost their "all day" setting. By opening the appointment, and opening the reoccurance, and save & close, the appointment saves correctly. But the problem will often repeat itself a day later.

As I have said, there appears to be file corruption, but I cannot get the pst file to stay clean for any length of time.