Time Sheet Problems in Excel



My objective is: Total hours per day with an employers form structured as
start time cell, end time cell, minus lunch time cell, equals total hours.
The respective e.g. is B1-A1-C1=D1. Time formating not an issue in A1 or B1.
Negative symbol being displayed unsuccessful in lunch time cell C1 with
number format though it is an option. Too scared to try the calendar switch
to 1904 and I don't understand how the calendar would create a negative
symbol option to work. If lunch were always a constant amount of time or
number I think I could struggle through a round-robin formula of some sort.
It doesn't really matter if the D1 cell reflects time worked with the colon
symbol or decimal, whatever makes it all work. Ofcourse none of this would
be an issue if the employer would use a 24hr clock representation instead of
the am/pm nonsense. I don't know that excel 2002 can even do this "don't
rock the employer boat" calculation.

David McRitchie

Sorry but I do not see a question in your posting. What
part do you want help with and why. Take a look at
to see if it can help you; otherwise, you will have to be
more explicit at least for me to understand the question.
An example with numbers would helpful, but hopefully
my page covers material.


Your Fast.
Objective: Time Sheet row (1 of 7) e.g A1 is start time, B1 is end time,
C1 is lunch time (meaning it's deducted from the total of B1-A1 to give us D1
labeled total hours.

Jibber: I don't want to insert any formula incorrectly because I'm new to
this process and don't want to give myself bad info to unlearn and create
additional "muddle my way through problems".
This morning a possible formula (solution) came to mind that I would
greatly appreciate your feed back with.

Currently: A1 & B1 are formated to display am/pm time format; C1 is
formated as negative number value; D1 is has no special format yet because it
is my target cell for the formula.

Proposed formula: =($B$1-$A$1)*1440/60-$C$1
The absolue vs. relative seem like less potential worksheet problems for me
down the road.
If there is something more I need / not considering please tell me. I hope
my formula idea atleast gets across my objective if I'm not clear above.

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