We have been having problems too with time service on our
It is my understanding that you can either use NTP or NT5DS.
NT5DS is
preferred in an AD environment and your clients will default
to NT5DS and
recieve time from their local DC as a result. All your DC's
will point to the
PDCEmulator for time.
Then we setup our PDCE to look at an NTP server time.nist.gov
and hard set
that in the registry as its NTP peer. Time started synching up
fine for us
after that. But then we started running into another problem.
Kerberos tickets are set to expire by default at 5 minutes to
using NT5DS on
a client with time skewed more than 5 minutes could make the
ticket invalid
and not allow the client to recieve time by NT5DS so it will
never update
maybe that will help or maybe someone else has some insight
they can share ??
Big AL @Salyersville said:
Whats going on here? "The time provider NtpServer encountered an error while
digitally signing the NTP response from peer" "The NTPServer cant provide
secure [signed] time to the client and will ignore the request. The error
was: The interface is unknown. (0x800706B5)"