Mary Jo
I've been trying to publish my website since July 26.
This is a first-time publish and I keep receiving time-
out errors after 20 minutes. I've been in contact daily
with tech support from my host, and I've had them reload
FP extensions, I've run a trace route on my line, deleted
what had partially been uploaded, renamed all my files
(lowercase-Linux server), they have NOT upgraded to
FP2002 extensions. I'm using FP98 v. 3.0 PWS v 3.0 with
WinXPPro. The site size is 17.5MB and 19.2MB "on Disk".
Have also contacted tech support at AOL and tried new
access numbers.
Is there anyway to increase the timeout in the PWS??
Also, when a publish fails and I close FP, when I reopen
the app I get the error message "FrontPage requires 32-
bit TCP/IP networking. You do not have 32-bit TCP.IP
networking installed. Would you like to see help on how
to install it?" At that point I have to restart my
computer to get FP back to normal.
This is making me crazy, is there anyway I can get this
site published??
Thanks for any help you can provide,
Mary Jo
This is a first-time publish and I keep receiving time-
out errors after 20 minutes. I've been in contact daily
with tech support from my host, and I've had them reload
FP extensions, I've run a trace route on my line, deleted
what had partially been uploaded, renamed all my files
(lowercase-Linux server), they have NOT upgraded to
FP2002 extensions. I'm using FP98 v. 3.0 PWS v 3.0 with
WinXPPro. The site size is 17.5MB and 19.2MB "on Disk".
Have also contacted tech support at AOL and tried new
access numbers.
Is there anyway to increase the timeout in the PWS??
Also, when a publish fails and I close FP, when I reopen
the app I get the error message "FrontPage requires 32-
bit TCP/IP networking. You do not have 32-bit TCP.IP
networking installed. Would you like to see help on how
to install it?" At that point I have to restart my
computer to get FP back to normal.
This is making me crazy, is there anyway I can get this
site published??
Thanks for any help you can provide,
Mary Jo