Time Out Error

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We can't find "http://lukespence.com/"
Error - DNS error or server not found This is what I get IE6

NetScape 8.0 I get Time Out Error

I disbled Norton's & Spy Sweeper swoftware, Bye-passed the Router, Redid all
the setting with my internet Provider, Erased cookies, Certificates.

Also put the site under trusted sites. I'm totally bugged out.. This site is
my brother's website that I could log onto before. The Internet provider can
also access his site with no problems...One other friend here in Houston
using Roadrunner hookup has the same problem... Any Suggestions?

I did think about telling the computer to restore itself to an earlier date
KIDS/ or documents that I need.

Thanks Ken

You don't mention your OS, but...

If running a cable modem, dsl modem or router, have you, at some point, shut
everything down for a few minutes? This sometimes helps.

Or, deleting the History and Temporary Internet Files *folders* may help:

Try disabling third-party security programs to see if one of them is causing

Try opening a Cmd window (or from Start> Run) enter
ipconfig /flushdns
then clear the Temporary Internet Files and restart.

System Restore doesn't save data such as images, docs, etc. Using a restore
point shouldn't affect such data. But... you *should* have that data backed
up to CD, Zip disk, another computer, etc. Also, using a restore point more
than a few days old is generally not recommended.

Hope this helps,
Thanks Don for all the good advice.... I'm running Windows XP and I have done
everything you said at least three times. I have uninstalled nortons,
Uninstalled mySpy ware program and disabled XP firewall.... Everything has
been unplugged and restarted. The Cable provider (COX) techs have in logged
onto my computer and change settings to Low security, put his site as a
trusted site, etc..... We are all just perplexed over this..... I borrowed a
laptop and I'm going to hook it up directly to eliminate the Cable modem and
router. My next step is uninstalling IE6 if I can and reinstalling it with
out the SP2 patch.....

Don Varnau said:

You don't mention your OS, but...

If running a cable modem, dsl modem or router, have you, at some point, shut
everything down for a few minutes? This sometimes helps.

Or, deleting the History and Temporary Internet Files *folders* may help:

Try disabling third-party security programs to see if one of them is causing

Try opening a Cmd window (or from Start> Run) enter
ipconfig /flushdns
then clear the Temporary Internet Files and restart.

System Restore doesn't save data such as images, docs, etc. Using a restore
point shouldn't affect such data. But... you *should* have that data backed
up to CD, Zip disk, another computer, etc. Also, using a restore point more
than a few days old is generally not recommended.

Hope this helps,

Ken Spence said:
We can't find "http://lukespence.com/"
Error - DNS error or server not found This is what I get IE6

NetScape 8.0 I get Time Out Error

I disabled Norton's & Spy Sweeper swoftware, Bye-passed the Router, Redid all
the setting with my internet Provider, Erased cookies, Certificates.

Also put the site under trusted sites. I'm totally bugged out.. This site is
my brother's website that I could log onto before. The Internet provider can
also access his site with no problems...One other friend here in Houston
using Roadrunner hookup has the same problem... Any Suggestions?

I did think about telling the computer to restore itself to an earlier date
KIDS/ or documents that I need.

Thanks Ken
It's kind of a longshot, but...
Check for a HOSTS file.
To check the HOSTS file in Windows XP...
Make sure that Windows is showing hidden files and is
not hiding file extensions for known file types then check for a HOSTS file
at [C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc] Open the HOSTS file with notepad. If
there are entries you wish to disable, you can put the pound sign (#) in
front an entry to disable it. Then File> Save. Or you can rename the HOSTS
file to HOSTS.OLD to disable it.

Hosts File FAQ: http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/hostsfaq.htm#Button


Ken Spence said:
Thanks Don for all the good advice.... I'm running Windows XP and I have done
everything you said at least three times. I have uninstalled nortons,
Uninstalled mySpy ware program and disabled XP firewall.... Everything has
been unplugged and restarted. The Cable provider (COX) techs have in logged
onto my computer and change settings to Low security, put his site as a
trusted site, etc..... We are all just perplexed over this..... I borrowed a
laptop and I'm going to hook it up directly to eliminate the Cable modem and
router. My next step is uninstalling IE6 if I can and reinstalling it with
out the SP2 patch.....
Don Varnau said:

You don't mention your OS, but...

If running a cable modem, dsl modem or router, have you, at some point, shut
everything down for a few minutes? This sometimes helps.

Or, deleting the History and Temporary Internet Files *folders* may help:

Try disabling third-party security programs to see if one of them is causing

Try opening a Cmd window (or from Start> Run) enter
ipconfig /flushdns
then clear the Temporary Internet Files and restart.

System Restore doesn't save data such as images, docs, etc. Using a restore
point shouldn't affect such data. But... you *should* have that data backed
up to CD, Zip disk, another computer, etc. Also, using a restore point more
than a few days old is generally not recommended.
Ken Spence said:
We can't find "http://lukespence.com/"
Error - DNS error or server not found This is what I get IE6

NetScape 8.0 I get Time Out Error

I disabled Norton's & Spy Sweeper swoftware, Bye-passed the Router,
the setting with my internet Provider, Erased cookies, Certificates.

Also put the site under trusted sites. I'm totally bugged out.. This
my brother's website that I could log onto before. The Internet
also access his site with no problems...One other friend here in Houston
using Roadrunner hookup has the same problem... Any Suggestions?

I did think about telling the computer to restore itself to an earlier date
KIDS/ or documents that I need.

Thanks Ken
Ken Spence said:
We can't find "http://lukespence.com/"
Error - DNS error or server not found This is what I get IE6

NetScape 8.0 I get Time Out Error

Use nslookup (in a cmd window) to check.

When I did that I found that the first attempt timed out
but then the second (e.g. using the second DNS server address)
did manage to find it.

Use ipconfig /all to check that you have two DNS server addresses.
E.g. if you only had one and you were getting the same symptom for
IE's lookup that I got with my nslookup you would have an explanation
for your symptom.

An alternative which would eliminate this factor from consideration
would be to put an entry into your HOSTS file and do an
ipconfig /flushdns (or just stop the dnscache service altogether.)

FWIW here is the entry which would be implied by my second lookup:

<example> lukespence.com
I disbled Norton's & Spy Sweeper swoftware, Bye-passed the Router, Redid all
the setting with my internet Provider, Erased cookies, Certificates.

Also put the site under trusted sites. I'm totally bugged out.. This site is
my brother's website that I could log onto before. The Internet provider can
also access his site with no problems...

Ask them what DNS server addresses they are using?

You could also ask them to use nslookup interactively.
E.g. enter (in a cmd window)

and then

set debug

and then


You could do the same and then you could both compare results.

One other friend here in Houston
using Roadrunner hookup has the same problem... Any Suggestions?

I did think about telling the computer to restore itself to an earlier date
KIDS/ or documents that I need.

I doubt that your system has much to do with this symptom.

Another poster who had this symptom discovered that the ISP
had inadvertently put a block on his IP address; so there can be
all kinds of external causes.

BTW you may find better assistance in a newsgroup which specializes
in networking for your OS. Here's a troubleshooter which contains a
link to one for followup questions:


Thanks Ken

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
I typed nslookup ad this is what I saw.
Default Server:NSL.DL.Cox.net
When I typed FWIW
DNS request timed out
time out was 2 seconds
Request to timed-out

I have also done the ipconfig /flushdns many of times.

Thanks Ken
Hi Don,
This is what my Host file looks like

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost

Don Varnau said:
It's kind of a longshot, but...
Check for a HOSTS file.
To check the HOSTS file in Windows XP...
Make sure that Windows is showing hidden files and is
not hiding file extensions for known file types then check for a HOSTS file
at [C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc] Open the HOSTS file with notepad. If
there are entries you wish to disable, you can put the pound sign (#) in
front an entry to disable it. Then File> Save. Or you can rename the HOSTS
file to HOSTS.OLD to disable it.

Hosts File FAQ: http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/hostsfaq.htm#Button


Ken Spence said:
Thanks Don for all the good advice.... I'm running Windows XP and I have done
everything you said at least three times. I have uninstalled nortons,
Uninstalled mySpy ware program and disabled XP firewall.... Everything has
been unplugged and restarted. The Cable provider (COX) techs have in logged
onto my computer and change settings to Low security, put his site as a
trusted site, etc..... We are all just perplexed over this..... I borrowed a
laptop and I'm going to hook it up directly to eliminate the Cable modem and
router. My next step is uninstalling IE6 if I can and reinstalling it with
out the SP2 patch.....
Don Varnau said:

You don't mention your OS, but...

If running a cable modem, dsl modem or router, have you, at some point, shut
everything down for a few minutes? This sometimes helps.

Or, deleting the History and Temporary Internet Files *folders* may help:

Try disabling third-party security programs to see if one of them is causing

Try opening a Cmd window (or from Start> Run) enter
ipconfig /flushdns
then clear the Temporary Internet Files and restart.

System Restore doesn't save data such as images, docs, etc. Using a restore
point shouldn't affect such data. But... you *should* have that data backed
up to CD, Zip disk, another computer, etc. Also, using a restore point more
than a few days old is generally not recommended.
"Ken Spence" <Ken Spence[at]discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
We can't find "http://lukespence.com/"
Error - DNS error or server not found This is what I get IE6

NetScape 8.0 I get Time Out Error

I disabled Norton's & Spy Sweeper swoftware, Bye-passed the Router, Redid
the setting with my internet Provider, Erased cookies, Certificates.

Also put the site under trusted sites. I'm totally bugged out.. This site
my brother's website that I could log onto before. The Internet provider
also access his site with no problems...One other friend here in Houston
using Roadrunner hookup has the same problem... Any Suggestions?

I did think about telling the computer to restore itself to an earlier
KIDS/ or documents that I need.

Thanks Ken
Ken Spence said:
I typed nslookup ad this is what I saw.
Default Server:NSL.DL.Cox.net
When I typed FWIW
DNS request timed out
time out was 2 seconds
Request to timed-out

What you want to type is lukespence.com
and then see if it replies with that IP address
*without* that "DNS request timed out" message

I have also done the ipconfig /flushdns many of times.

Did you try adding the entry in HOSTS first? <w>

BTW I tried simulating that lookup with the debug option
using your server address instead of mine and there was
no timeout. Perhaps your server is starting to retain the
Thanks Ken


Thanks again for trying to help me
I did the Following and this is what it told me.

nslookup lukespence.com
Server: ns1.dl.cox.net

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: lukespence.com
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: lukespence.com

That looks fine. Now what happens when you try to open
http://lukespence.com/ with IE?

Be as complete in your description as possible, referring to any
changes you see in the Status bar, the Title bar and the Address bar.
Remember, your words have to substitute for what our eyes might notice.

It is a good idea to maximize the window while you are making these
observations, especially in order to maximize the amount of information
you can obtain by watching the Status bar.

Since there is scripting involved in the page you could slow the rendering
down by changing your Security settings for the Internet zone to do
maximal prompting.

To provide maximal prompting safely I suggest you change only settings
which are currently Enabled (e.g. Green dot beside the Enable choice.)
The procedure I use then to do this is:
1. doubleclick on the security zone icon in the IE status bar
(to open the Security settings dialog)
2. click Default Level (to reset settings to Medium)
3. click on Custom Level
4. press P (finds the first/next Prompt choice)
5. if Enable for that option is green press Space
(changes the Enable choice to Prompt)
6. repeat to 4 through 5 to the end of the list.

When you are through testing repeat steps 1 and 2.

Note: the above diagnostic is especially useful when you know
what a successful sequence of prompts for a particular site should look like.
That's why I suggest discussing a particular example. Then others can
tell you where your sequence diverges from theirs. Etc.

Good luck

The page goes to pure white and the bottom left corner says opening page
then it said onthe Tool bar Invalid Syntax error

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for might have been removed or had its name changed.


Please try the following:

Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is
spelled correctly.

If you still cannot open the page, click the Internet Explorer
Search button to look for similar sites.

Internet Explorer
I did it again and thenI got this
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be
experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is
spelled correctly.

To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click
Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should
match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or
Internet service provider (ISP).
See if your Internet connection settings are being detected. You can set
Microsoft Windows to examine your network and automatically discover network
connection settings (if your network administrator has enabled this setting).
Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options.
On the Connections tab, click LAN Settings.
Select Automatically detect settings, and then click OK.
Some sites require 128-bit connection security. Click the Help menu and then
click About Internet Explorer to determine what strength security you have
If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure your Security settings
can support it. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the
Advanced tab, scroll to the Security section and check settings for SSL 2.0,
SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, PCT 1.0.
Click the Back button to try another link.

Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer
The page goes to pure white and the bottom left corner says opening page
then it said onthe Tool bar Invalid Syntax error

What Tool bar? If you mean the Status bar (bar at the bottom of the window)
and there is an icon associated with that message try doubleclicking there.

Did you try activating maximal prompting?
FWIW I didn't get any prompts at all from it.
So the scripting there must not get done.

However, Privacy Report (Alt-V,v) shows that there are some other
domain names involved in its rendering: jigsaw.w3.org and www.w3.org
Perhaps you have some DNS issue with them instead?

I think that those are just for the logos at the bottom of the page.
So to try bypassing them you could uncheck
Show Pictures
(in Options, Advanced tab, Multimedia section)

Alternatively, if you have IE5 Web Accessories installed you could
just use its Toggle Images.exe (installed in the Links bar) to do that.

I'm wondering if you might be getting a old copy of the page.
Try pressing Ctrl-F5 to refresh it without referring to your TIF.

Good luck

After an hour on the phone they I was onwith SBC because a eror I was getting
when the Coc-internet Techhad me try at the CMD promt tacert
www.lukespence.com andwe had a request time out with aSWBell server... Then I
was disconnected. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
To bad Ican't post the the picture ofthe screen... it copied it as a picture
and not a word document. I'll try what you suggested....
You were right, I meant the Status Bar