Time Keeps Chaning Back an Hour

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jennifer
  • Start date Start date


I have a Windows 2000 network. Two or three of my W2K pro
PCs keep changing their time back an hour. We live in the
Eastern time zone and I have automatically adjust for
daylight savings time. It appears the time is correct at
startup, but then I receive event id 593 for W32time that
states the time service corrected the clock error by 3617
seconds. This also happened last spring to a few of the
PCs. I have about 150 PCs here and this only happens on a
few of them. They are all configured the same. I'm not
sure what is going on. Any help would be appreciated.

Jennifer said:
I have a Windows 2000 network. Two or three of my W2K pro
PCs keep changing their time back an hour. We live in the
Eastern time zone and I have automatically adjust for
daylight savings time. It appears the time is correct at
startup, but then I receive event id 593 for W32time that
states the time service corrected the clock error by 3617
seconds. This also happened last spring to a few of the
PCs. I have about 150 PCs here and this only happens on a
few of them. They are all configured the same. I'm not
sure what is going on. Any help would be appreciated.


Jennifer, most likely these machines are autosynching w/ another machine
that has the wrong time. Is the Windows Time service running on these
TRy manually configure a client to request time from a specific time source
by using the net time command: nettime /setsntp:ntpserver. where ntpserver
is DNS name or ipaddress of time server mostly domain controller.