Hi Karen,
From your description, I am not sure what do you want by input mask. You
said "allows time to minutes and seconds" BUT "not MINUTES, seconds and
milliseconds." Correct information that you can provide will make things
clear and help us move closer to the causes and resolutions.
Base on my understanding, I guess, you want the result as "hh:ss"(h means
hour and s means second) by input mask.
I have tried to make input mask like this: 00:"00":00 aims to make minutes
as fixed zero, but it failed. as mechanism of Access will store the data as
00: :00 without mask "00". You will get an error message when you try this.
However, you cannot do like this by using input mask even assuming minute
equals zero.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any question or
concern, don't hesitate to let me know. We are here to be of assistance!
Sincerely yours,
Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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