I still don't understand what you mean by "presets". Maybe
you mean the default property settings? If so, you can just
replace whatever Access put in with whatever you want.
OTOH, using an input mask can override all kinds of things
(one reason why I never use input masks). First thing I
would do is remove the input mask and see where you stand,
before beating your head against the wall trying to overcome
the idiosyncracies of input masks.
Where/what did you set the Format property? It should be
the form text box, not a query or table field.
What you did using the Format function may(?) not be a good
fix because Format always returns a string value, not a time
MVP [MS Access]
I got it to work, before your comment ... it is not easy overriding presets
in Access. I would do that, that is, set it to hh:nn, then it would
automatically change the properties to the field to short date (the hh:nn
disappeared) and also the input mask. Appearance wise it would display fine,
but enter the field and it botches what I wanted.
The only way I got everything to work correctly was in VBA to set the field
= Format(Time, "hh:nn"). Access then didn't mess around with the layout and
change it when you enter the field into the date format with AM or PM.