Time format



I have copied and pasted some data including times. Some times have a single
digit for the hour and when it pastes into Excel, that first digit comes in
as a space not a zero. Because of that, those fields seem to ignore all
formatting changes. Is there a trim function for times?


I usually highlight the cells and then use the menu option Edit - Replace.
Put a space in the FROM: box and nothing TO: box and click REPLACE ALL.
Sometimes it is not just a space but some other invisible character. then do
the same but highlight on the worksheet the invisible character and type Cntl
(to copy) and then go to the replace From box and paste the character into
the box using Cntl - V. Then select REPLACE ALL.


Go back and replace "AM" with " AM" (add a space in front) and do the same
with "PM" to " PM"

This should fix the problem.


Oregon Julie

Joel said:
Go back and replace "AM" with " AM" (add a space in front) and do the same
with "PM" to " PM"

This should fix the problem.

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