Time format changes during merge to Word


Destin Richter

Hi, using a medium format for a HearingTime field, showing up fine on the
queries, but when I merge the data out to Word, it shows up as 3:15:00 PM - I
really only want to see 3:15 PM. Can I force the medium format in the
underlying query?

Thanks for the help.

Destin Richter
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Whittle

Use the format function to convert the time to text. In a query something
like below:

HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "Medium Time")


HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "h:mm AM/PM")

Destin Richter

Jerry, that keeps the seconds off, but has another effect. Instead of
getting 1:30 PM for my data, I get 01:30 PM. Do you know how to drop the

Destin Richter
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Whittle said:
Use the format function to convert the time to text. In a query something
like below:

HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "Medium Time")


HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "h:mm AM/PM")
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

Destin Richter said:
Hi, using a medium format for a HearingTime field, showing up fine on the
queries, but when I merge the data out to Word, it shows up as 3:15:00 PM - I
really only want to see 3:15 PM. Can I force the medium format in the
underlying query?

Thanks for the help.

Destin Richter
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Whittle

That's why I added the second option. I believe that it won't cause the
leading zero.

HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "h:mm AM/PM")
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

Destin Richter said:
Jerry, that keeps the seconds off, but has another effect. Instead of
getting 1:30 PM for my data, I get 01:30 PM. Do you know how to drop the

Destin Richter
(e-mail address removed)

Jerry Whittle said:
Use the format function to convert the time to text. In a query something
like below:

HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "Medium Time")


HearTime: Format([HearingTime], "h:mm AM/PM")
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

Destin Richter said:
Hi, using a medium format for a HearingTime field, showing up fine on the
queries, but when I merge the data out to Word, it shows up as 3:15:00 PM - I
really only want to see 3:15 PM. Can I force the medium format in the
underlying query?

Thanks for the help.

Destin Richter
(e-mail address removed)

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