Tim Foster
Could anyone show some light on the following problem?
When I type "Time" at the cmd prompt I get the time
separated by the word panic! instead of colons.
For example:
16:00:00 actually shows as 16panic!00panic!00.
I have run Symantec AV and Sophos AV on the computer and
nothing has shown up. I really do not want to do a full
reinstall for what seems petty but the computer does a
critical task.
When I type "Time" at the cmd prompt I get the time
separated by the word panic! instead of colons.
For example:
16:00:00 actually shows as 16panic!00panic!00.
I have run Symantec AV and Sophos AV on the computer and
nothing has shown up. I really do not want to do a full
reinstall for what seems petty but the computer does a
critical task.