Time calculations for Scheduled vs Actual Employee Time and Wages

  • Thread starter Thread starter The Caterer
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The Caterer

I am THRYING to make a simple schedule worksheet for a manger to use to
calculate the time he schedules an employee to clock in and out and what it
will cost him in regards to his allocated budget and then to be able to
compare it after the job is completed. BUT time calculations have thrown me
for loop and I am stuck for hours on trying to calculate time fields.

PLEASE DEAR GOD can someone help me.

Below is a simple example of my worksheet.

A2 (Time IN) = 1:00 PM
A3 (Time OUT) = 5:00 PM
A4 (Time Worked) = 4:00 (h:mm format) Formula A3-A2 in
This seems to be OK BUT when I
multiply the hours work by the
hourly rate it does
not work.

A5 (Hourly rate) = $12.00 (Currency Format)

A6 (Total Paid) = $2.00 WHEN IT SHOULD BE $48.00

I know it is calculating the dollar amount due based on .20 Time worked but
for my life I cannot see how to make the changes necessary for this to work.

The actual fields I am using in case it makes a difference are:

Employee Name (Drop List) Hutson, Gregg
Pay Rate (Drop List) $12.00, $15.00 ect.
Assigned Position (Drop List) such as bartender, carver, chef etc.
Scheduled IN TIME (Drop List) 12:00 PM, 12:30 PM ect
Scheduled OUT TIME (Drop List) 12:00 PM, 12:30 PM ect
Actual IN TIME (Drop List) 12:00 PM, 12:30 PM ect
Actual OUT TIME (Drop List) 12:00 PM, 12:30 PM ect
Scheduled Hours (h:mm)
Actual Hours (h:mm)
Difference (h:mm)
Scheduled Pay Amount(currency)
Actual Pay Amount (currency)
Difference (currency)

I am useing Excel 2007
See replies to your previous post. People are trying to help you, but you
have to meet them half-way: you need to read their replies.


Di your time calculation with this to convert to decimal.

If times could go over midnight use this

Format as general and then multiply by the hourly rate

Sorry about that I was getting error messages that said the the system was
busy and try again later, I refreshed my browser and waited and never saw it
come up so I posted again.
Hey thanks Mike so so much, it works like a charm.

I sorry for the miltiple posts. The message I was recieving was as below
nad I waited to see if it came up b4 I posted again but they all showed after
I posted the last one.

Anyway, thanks agian for your help!

An error occurred while sending your pos
We're sorry, but there was a problem with the system and your post was not
received. The error has been reported to Operations and will be investigated
as soon as possible. Please try again later.