I am creating a spreadsheet which will log my time in and out of my client's offices. I sell blocks of hours to most of my customers and I want them to know what my time in and out is, how long i was there, how many hours they have used so far, and how many hours they have remainin
I have it set up so i enter my "time in" in one column and my "time out" in another....giving my "total hours" onsite in the next column.....which then tallys up the totals for the time used so far at the bottom of the sheet....how can i calculate the remaining time
for example: the "total time used" cell shows 10 hours used =SUM(K16:K36) ....if they start with 40 hours how can i subtract the 10 hours from the 40 hours and keep it in an hour:minute format
Thank you for your help...i have tried everything and it is driving me NUTS!!!
I have it set up so i enter my "time in" in one column and my "time out" in another....giving my "total hours" onsite in the next column.....which then tallys up the totals for the time used so far at the bottom of the sheet....how can i calculate the remaining time
for example: the "total time used" cell shows 10 hours used =SUM(K16:K36) ....if they start with 40 hours how can i subtract the 10 hours from the 40 hours and keep it in an hour:minute format
Thank you for your help...i have tried everything and it is driving me NUTS!!!