Hi all,
I have a Tiger GT 233
233 AMD K6-2
On board video and sound
I have been unable to find the drivers for the motherboard video and
sound. Can someone where I can find them.
Thanks in advance
Check the motherboard manual or note the markings on the
motherboard chips. The primary (larger) northbridge and
southbridge will guide you.
It's probably ALI, Via, or Sis. You should be able to find
the chipset drivers by googling for the respective website.
As for audio, if your board has a seperate sound chip, go to
that manufacturer's website. If not, seek southbridge sound
driver from chipset manufacturer.
If would certainly help if you can locate manufacturer, or
perhaps it's a remarked PChips motherboard. You might have
luck identifying it by going to the "PCChips Lottery".
If all else fails, write down the chip markings and post
them here.