I need a tiebreaker for a formula. Right now the formula reads:
=INDEX(A$3:A$21,MATCH(D28,Y$3:Y$21,0)) which works real well But when there
is a tie it shows on one store twice instead of listing the two separate
stores. I have two stores have the exact scores and it list the store with
the lower store number twice. For example I have store 598 and store 698 both
with a score of 100% but in the ranking of the stores it shows store 598
twice instead of 598 then 698. Is it possible to have a tiebreaker, with the
index formula, that can list the stores in descending order, 598 first and
698 second, or do I need another formula in order for the tiebreaker to work?
Here is what it looks like now:
C28 D28
598 100%
598 100%
I need it to look like this
C28 D28
598 100%
698 100%
If this is not possible I can live without the tiebreaker, I suppose.
=INDEX(A$3:A$21,MATCH(D28,Y$3:Y$21,0)) which works real well But when there
is a tie it shows on one store twice instead of listing the two separate
stores. I have two stores have the exact scores and it list the store with
the lower store number twice. For example I have store 598 and store 698 both
with a score of 100% but in the ranking of the stores it shows store 598
twice instead of 598 then 698. Is it possible to have a tiebreaker, with the
index formula, that can list the stores in descending order, 598 first and
698 second, or do I need another formula in order for the tiebreaker to work?
Here is what it looks like now:
C28 D28
598 100%
598 100%
I need it to look like this
C28 D28
598 100%
698 100%
If this is not possible I can live without the tiebreaker, I suppose.
