my computer seems to be making a ticking noise - very regular, maybe 1 tick
per second or slightly quicker. I'm not sure whether its one of the
hardrives. Its _not_ a click, like when a HD goes down, I've heard that and
that is definitely a clicking or a crunch, but this is definitely a tick -
almost like a bomb! It's not the floppy drive either, or a cd spinning, and
it makes the same noise after reboots and shutdowns. What could it be?
per second or slightly quicker. I'm not sure whether its one of the
hardrives. Its _not_ a click, like when a HD goes down, I've heard that and
that is definitely a clicking or a crunch, but this is definitely a tick -
almost like a bomb! It's not the floppy drive either, or a cd spinning, and
it makes the same noise after reboots and shutdowns. What could it be?